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"Dean?" Sam questioned as he watched his brother run out of the house. His eyes widened as he realized his brother was holding someone.


"Meet me at the hospital!" He shouted as he quickly, but carefully put Fiona in the back seat. Then, he got into the front and sped off down the road.

 Then, he got into the front and sped off down the road

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"Help!" Dean shouted. "Someone help!"

Nurses began to run their way towards the two. They grabbed Fiona and placed her onto a gurney.

"What happened?" One female nurse asked.

"She's had an overdose." Dean said as he followed Fiona's gurney to a room.

"Sir, please wait outside." A nurse pushed Dean out of the room.

Dean huffed. He made his way towards a chair and sat down. Minutes later, Sam showed up along with Fiona's friends.

"How is she?" Harry asked.

Dean now stood up.

"Ed, I need to have a word with you. Outside."

Harry looked at Ed with slight fear in his eyes.

"Okay." He followed the oldest Winchester outside.

"Where's my daughter!" Brady came rushing into the hospital. "Where is she?!"

"Sir, sir. Calm down please." A doctor was standing in front of the man.

Sam turned his attention towards the man.

"Who are you looking for, sir?" The doctor asked.

"Fiona Stewart." He breathed.

The doctor pointed towards the room that the nurses had just finished in.

"Oh my god." He rushed inside and choked back a sob.

Two more people ran into the hospital now. A tall woman with long brown hair and a man with dark brown hair.

"Fiona!" Alex cried as she saw her sister lying in a hospital bed.

"Dad, what happened?" Aries asked.

Sam stood up and cleared his throat.

"It was an overdose."

The Stewart family turned around to face him.

Brady eyed the man standing before him.

"Kids, stay here."

Alex and Aries gave their dad a strange look but didn't bother to follow him out of the room.

"What's you're name?" Brady asked.

"Sam Winchester."

"You're John's boy?" Brady cocked a brow.

"Wait, you knew my father?" Sam breathed.

Caught on Camera § Dean Winchester Where stories live. Discover now