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Fiona was the last to be dropped off. Once she arrived she quickly and quietly entered her house.

"Fiona?" Brady rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "My god, why are you home so late?"

"Dad," Fiona smiled sweetly. "Why are you up? You should be asleep."

"You never answered my first question." Brady looked up at Fiona tiredly.

"Late investigation." Fiona replied.

"What is that?" Brady pointed towards the large cut on her left arm.

"Oh, you know me." Fiona chuckled nervously. "Always the clumsy one in the group."

"Is that fishing line?" Brady asked as he inspected the wound.

"It appears so."

"Who stitched you up? Was it Harry?"

Fiona laughed. "No dad, it wasn't Harry. We actually met two new people today."

"Oh yeah, who?"

"Sam and Dean Winchester."

Brady smiled. "Huh, interesting. That name sounds familiar." He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. "Eh, never mind. You should be getting to bed. Your brother and sister are coming over tomorrow. They'll be spending the weekend here."

Fiona clapped her hands together and squealed. It had been ages since she had seen her older sister and brother. (Well, it felt like it had been ages).

"Get some rest." Brady kissed his daughter on the forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"Night dad." Fiona said as she watched her father climb the stairs.

"Goodnight sweetheart." Brady disappeared behind the corner.

Fiona made herself comfortable in her room and tucked herself in. The nights events never leaving her mind as she closed her eyes. As she fell into a deep sleep, she couldn't help but remember a pair of green eyes staring back at her in worry.

"Psst!" Someone began to poke Fiona's side

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"Psst!" Someone began to poke Fiona's side. "Hey! Fiona!" The person poked the woman's side harder this time.

"Mmm." Fiona whined as she tried to kick the person away.

"She's fiesty today, isn't she, sis?"

Fiona's eyes popped open and she sat up quickly. To the right of her was her brother Aries. And to the left was her sister Alex.

"Alex! Aries! My god it's so good to see you guys!" Fiona grabbed the two and hugged the life out of them. Everyone was laughing and smiling.

"Glad to see you up and moving." Brady stood in the doorway smiling at the three. "I thought you were never going to get up."

Fiona chuckled and got out of bed.

"Well, breakfast is on the table. I need to be heading to work. You three be good."

Caught on Camera § Dean Winchester Where stories live. Discover now