Coming Soon

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Fiona Stewart had no interest in reality TV. But, once her friends Ed Zeddmore and Harry Spangler came to her jumping up and down with excitement, she just knew she was in for one hell of a ride.

"Guess what Fiona?" Ed had a large smile on his face. "We got the deal! They're letting us do our very own reality TV show!"

"Really?" Fiona cocked a brow. "What's it called?"

"We're calling it GhostFacers!" Harry stood up straight and smiled as well.

"GhostFacers? Why are you calling it that?"

"Because, dear Fiona," Ed chuckled a bit. "We are going to be looking for the paranormal! We are going to prove to people that ghosts really exist!"

Fiona's eyes widened a bit and she slowly nodded her head. She forced a smile on her lips. "Oh yay!"

"See Ed, I told you she'd like it!" Harry looked at his friend.

Full of adventure, love, loss, comedy and a pinch of reality TV, this book will bring out many emotions!

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Full of adventure, love, loss, comedy and a pinch of reality TV, this book will bring out many emotions!


-Sexual Situations
-Mild Language
-Harry's sarcasm
-Sam's Sass
-Dean's Charm
-Ed's ummmm... I don't know what Ed has but let's just say his wit. (We'll go with that).
-And sometimes weird comments by the author

Please read at your own risk. (LOL) You have been warned reader.

If there is something that I have not listed, I will list it in the chapter.

*I will not be following any specific episodes or seasons of SPN in this book. I may however have some similar quotes from SPN here and there in this book.*

Anyways, have fun reading guys! ❤️

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