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"Okay, I got everything packed and ready to go." Fiona lugged the last case of equipment into the van.

"Good." Ed smiled at the girl. "Alright Harry, lets roll!"

"Yes, sir!" Harry put the car in drive and headed towards a supposedly haunted house in Southern California.

"Yes, sir!" Harry put the car in drive and headed towards a supposedly haunted house in Southern California

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"Okay so there's a ghost at an abandoned house here in Cali." Fiona sat on the floor of the van with her legs crossed. Her glasses rested on the bridge of her nose. A pen tapped the side of her notepad as she jotted down some notes. "Is there anything else that I'm missing?"

"Well," Ed started. "We've read that the place is a level three haunting."

"Level three?" Fiona questioned.

"Meaning that things are thrown and people are pushed around. That stuff."

"Oh." Fiona nodded her head.

"I heard that the activity started when the new owners were trying to renovate." Harry said from the drivers seat. "Typical." He scoffed. "Always have to make a ruckus to wake the dead."

Fiona shook her head and put down her notepad and took off her glasses. "How long do you think this will take?" Her eyes locked onto a strange device protruding out of Ed's bag.

"Not sure, it could take us all night if we find something really good." Harry replied.

Fiona crawled her way over towards Ed's bag and grabbed out the strange device. When she turned it on it made a strange high pitch whirring sound.

"Oh, be careful with that." Ed said.

"What is this thing? I don't think I've seen you use this type of device before."

"It's an EMF reader." Ed cleared his throat. "We got it from a few friends years ago."

Fiona looked up at Ed. "You mean you stole it."

Ed sighed. "Man, it's freaky when you do that."

"What?" Fiona raised a brow. "We've been friends for almost ten years guys. I can pretty much read you two."

"Or just people in general." Harry muttered.

"I heard that." Fiona put the EMF meter back into Ed's bag.

"Okay guys, we're here." Harry put the van into park and got out. So did Ed and Fiona.

"What," Fiona went to the back and grabbed out the equipment. "No team tonight?"

"Nah," Ed shrugged his shoulders. "I just thought we'd do it just the three of us this time."

Fiona smiled. "Whatever you say."

"Okay, this is Ed, Harry and Fiona entering the living room

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"Okay, this is Ed, Harry and Fiona entering the living room." Ed said as he held a recording device to his lips. "We are now going to try and make contact." Ed placed the recording device onto a dirty table.

"Hello!" Harry started. "We are not here to hurt you. We only want to help you, maybe ask you a few questions as well."


"Do you live here?" Ed asked.

No reply.

"Guys, is it just me or is it cold in here?" Fiona asked as she rubbed her shoulders.

"Yeah." Ed and Harry said in unison. A smile growing on both their faces.

"That means we're not alone." Harry whispered.

Fiona had been on a few investigations with Ed and Harry. And sometimes she would be with the team. But never in her life had she experienced anything like this before. Fiona did not like it one bit.

"Were you murdered here?" Harry asked. There was still silence.

"Come." A voice whispered near Fiona's right side. The woman jumped a bit but turned in the voices direction.

Just as Fiona turned around, she saw an arm and a leg disappear around the corner.

"Kids, always messing around." Fiona took off after the child and stopped in a play room.

"Hey, come on out. It's not nice to play pranks kid!"

There was no response.

"You can't hide forever you know. You'll have to come out sometime." Fiona held up her video camera as she looked around the room. The walls were peeling and falling apart just as much as the floor was.

"Hello?" Fiona called out.

"Play." A dirty blue ball rolled up to Fiona's feet and stopped. The girl's heart was racing but she refused to believe a ghost was asking her to play.

"I don't have time for your games, you need to come out, you can't be here right now. The house is not safe."

Just then a little girl in a small tattered dress appeared in front of Fiona. The woman stopped in her tracks and kept the camera focused on the child.

"It is not safe for you here either."

"Why is that?" Fiona asked the girl.

The little girl raised her right arm and pointed at something behind the woman. Fiona slowly turned around and felt all of the blood drain out of her body.

Standing in front of her was a man that had his skin hanging off of his face. A half smile formed on his lips as he grabbed the girl by the shoulders. Then, he tossed her to the side and watched as she screamed.

Fiona's head hit the wall with a thud. Her body crumpled to the floor and she fell unconscious.

"Hey! Freak show!" Ed yelled. He held a gun that had rock salt bullets in it. "Eat salt bitch!" He pulled the trigger and watched as the ghost disappeared. Then, Ed and Harry ran into the room and picked up Fiona. They quickly, left the house and sped all the way towards a hospital.

"Oh god, her dad's going to kill us!" Harry pressed harder on the gas.

"Shut up! He won't kill us. Just get us to the hospital!" Ed yelled.

Soon, the three reached the hospital and Fiona was diagnosed with a small cut to the head and a minor concussion. She woke up hours later.

"Ed, Harry, what happened?"

"You were thrown by a ghost." Harry replied. Ed hit his shoulder and told him to be quiet.

"I was what?" Fiona asked.

"You hit your head pretty hard last night." Ed said. "They put a bandage on your head and diagnosed you with a minor concussion."

"Ah" Fiona nodded her head. "You haven't told my dad yet have you?"

Both men shook their head no.

"Good, because he'd go nuts!"

"Oh, I already am." Brady (Fiona's father) stepped into her room.

"Oh fuck me." Fiona muttered under her breath.

Caught on Camera § Dean Winchester Where stories live. Discover now