"She also uses a little make up, but that's more for special events."

"And she only does her hair for special events, but her hair is already amazing." 

"She wanted to dye it a while back." Aaron reveals.

"She wanted to be a bleach blond?" I exclaim in horror.

"No, she wanted blue tips, or red streaks."

"I can totally see her doing that. She's so different than any girl I've ever met before."

"Clearly." he remarks.

"But she different when she's angry, it's like she doesn't want to talk to anyone. I thought most girls were acting mad or sad to get you to open them up." I said.

"I've noticed that to. But she's not like other girls and doesn't want you to talk to her. Whenever she's sad or starts crying, wrap your arms around her."

"Stroke her hair and don't say anything. She's lost when she's sad; all she wants is a hug." I finish.

"Right." Aaron says quietly.

"It seems you've already picked up a lot of her hints." He says.

"She's my mate, it's my job. I just wish I knew what happened to her that night." 


"I think it's weird how a week ago the only thing on my mind was the idea of killing you, but now you're here, helping me. Can I ask why?"

"Because I love her." I felt my wolf try to take over, probably to rip his throat out for thinking of my mate that way.

"Like a sister." I relaxed. "She's been my best friend for 13 years, all I want is for her to be happy. I know someday she won't be satisfied unless you're there. If telling you everything I know helps you make her happy, I'm willing to do it." He explains. 

"But you're not telling me everything, what happened to her that night?" 

"It's not my right to tell you, she has to tell you."

"I think it's time for me to leave."

"Wait!" I stopped him.

"What's her favorite thing to do?" I asked.

Aaron smiled at me.

"You might want to take a seat. There's a lot to know about Lexi." 


Nickolas is awake next to me on the bed with a stupid grin on his face. I've been here for three weeks now and I was really craving being around other people. Nickolas has been the only person other than some cooks to see me.

Every day fell into the same boring schedule. Wake up, eat breakfast, take a shower, watch TV or play video games, eat dinner, go to sleep. Every other day though Nickolas takes me out to the mall to watch movies or do some light shopping, usually for some more clothes for us. Apparently Nickolas lost a lot of clothes at the academy; kind of hard to believe since there were only 5 Alphas there. I also had daily homework up until yesterday. Summer has started, and Nickolas wouldn't let me go to the party. He was seriously getting on my nerves.

Except for nights, he never touched me or tried to get too close to me. At night, I would always pretend to be asleep when he pulled me to his chest; as much as I hated to admit it, he helped me sleep much better when we were touching. 

I really did want to tell him about that night. I thought it would make things easier between us if he knew the truth. But I was scared about how he'd react and that was enough to convince me otherwise.

Right now Nickolas was out at a meeting with some other packs and would be back by dinner, so I was laying on the balcony watching clouds. As usual, he had a guard standing by the door and meals brought up to this room. 

I sigh, looking up. Don't you love clouds? They're so innocent and free, not a care in the world. They do whatever they please and follow no rules. They die and are reborn every single day, no memories to slowly kill them. Unlike me.


I park my car in the garage and lock it before going into my house. The meeting was long and boring, and I didn't have my mate to keep me company during the short breaks. But I knew Lexi without a mark could be tempting to other unmated Alphas. Better to be safe than sorry. 

I ignore the few people on the first floor and make my way up the many stairs. I quietly open the door and step inside. Lexi isn't here. She's not on the bed, or on the couch. She's not in the bathroom or closet or hiding behind the desk. 

"Lexi!" I scream out of fear. My wolf immediately assumes the worst.

"Here." Her voice is faint. I run across the room and to the balcony. My wolf relaxes at the sight of my mate laying on top of the blankets spread on the stone floor.

She's simply laying there, her head resting on a pillow. I bend down next to her. That's when I see it; tears running down her face, silently. My instinct is to demand to know who hurt her and then go kill that person, but I don't follow it.

I reposition myself on the floor before pulling her into my arms. She doesn't react for several seconds, but then wraps her arms around my shoulders. I slowly run my fingers through her dark hair and let her rest her head on my chest. I hold her in my arms until the tears dry. The sun slowly sets.

I want nothing more than know what happened to her and fix it anyway I can. But she won't tell me. I realize a few hours later that Lexi has fallen asleep on me. As carefully as I can, I slowly stand up while holding her. I walk back into the room, kicking the balcony door shut behind me, and climb into my bed. 

Lexi has her arms around me the entire time, which I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy. But it breaks my heart knowing there's something capable of scaring my beautiful, young mate. 


I wake up the next morning partially on top of a sleeping Nickolas. I slide off and sit up in bed. He saw me yesterday, on the balcony. But he didn't ask any questions, which I am grateful for. I get out of bed and get dressed in my closet. I open the bedroom door and a guard is still there. Groaning, I slam it shut.

"Nickolas! Order some food!" I wake him up.

"Pick up the phone and order whatever you want!" And I do. 10 minutes later, a knock on the door reveals and woman with a tray of pancakes. I sit down at the table and enjoy my meal.

"Get dressed." Nickolas says, walking into his closet.
"I am dressed. Am I allowed to go to the pack village now?" I say, excitement rising.
"No. Here." He tosses me a bag of clothes. Inside, I see an outfit. I smile and put it on. This can only mean one thing. We're going to the pack lake! I can finally see some people!

I slip it on and stand by the door waiting for Nickolas. I can't wait to see my friends! Nickolas steps out of his closet with some towels on his arm. He steps closer to me and I can see his eyes slowing running down my body. Realizing my top is slightly see through, I slap him and open the door, skipping past the guard. 

He unlocks the front door and I start walking to the  pack forest, which is where the lake is. Instead, Nickolas grabs my hand and leads me to the car. Okay, I guess we drive the one mile instead of walking.

"Uh, where are we going?" Nickolas has passed the territory fence. We're not going to the pack lake.
"Somewhere special." He smiles at me. I gulp.

Young Mate (Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now