What's the Isle of the Lost?

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Sixteen year old Harmony Dust loves her parents more than anything but sometimes they can be just a little bit too much. It was date night and it's embarrassing when her parents ask the hotel staff to keep an eye on her. But she understands it, for one her parents are two very famous demons, the Radio Demon and Hell's most famous performer Angel Dust not to mention the fact that they're in Hell. But still.

Harmony has been inside the Hazbin Hotel her whole life except when she went out with her parents for family night or to visit her aunt Cherry Bomb.

Harmony knew she wasn't a demon but she knew she wasn't human either which is why her parents treating her like a china doll can get frustrating. Angel and Alastor told her they don't know who her birth parents are because it was a closed adoption but the sixteen years have been the best of their afterlives. With both her parents being men they couldn't have a baby of their own so they adopted the first chance they got. She loves them but they can be such smoothers.

"Well darling we are off." Alastor said as he walks over to her in a fancy suit. "I know I don't need to remind you to behave yourself."

"I won't cause trouble Radio Daddy." She promised him. Since she has two dads she calls Angel dad or mom if he's in drag and since Alastor is the Radio Demon Harmony started calling him Radio Daddy since she was a baby.

Angel Dust walked over in a very revealing dress showing off his huge chest and long legs. "We'll try not to be out too late." Angel told her. "And we'll have our phones."

"I know the drill." Harmony assured them. "You two have fun."

"That's my girl!" Alastor said loudly as he pinched her cheek. "Always making us proud."

Angel then took her face between two of his hands and gave her a huge kiss before walking out with Alastor. "Bye baby."

Harmony gave them a smile and waved til they closed the hotel door making her sigh, she is always smiling when those two are around and it just feels weird when they're not with her. Turning to the TV Harmony decided to see if there was anything on. Charlie had the TV set up to probably 1000 channels so there was a lot of flipping. She never watches the 666 news because all it ever does is cause trouble. Plus that Katie Killjoy loves to be a total bitch to her aunt Charlie.

Harmony stopped when she saw something on a channel that shows news that is happening in the land of the living. A boy exactly her age who they said is a prince about to be king was making his first proclamation.

"I've decided that the children on the Isle of the Lost should be given a chance to live here in Auradon. Every time I look out on the Island I feel like they've been abandoned." The prince explained to the press.

"Hey uncle Husk." Harmony called. "Come see this."

Husk walked over with a bottle of cheap booze in his hand as always to see what his goddaughter wanted. "That prince sure has guts."

"What's the Isle of the Lost?" She asked him.

"I don't know that much about it but a large number of evil bastards were thrown onto a small island where there is no escape. Looks like some of them had kids." Husk shrugged.

"So the kids of the bad guys have to spend their lives locked up just because of who there parents are?"

"Yep." Husk nodded.

"You know it's kind of funny, this prince guy is doing exactly what aunt Charlie is doing with this hotel. Give evil a chance to be good." Harmony pointed out. "Maybe I can go and help."

Husk spit out his booze and coughed until he could talk again. "What? Are you out of your mind kid?"

"Well why not?" Harmony asked.

Husk rubbed his eyes already feeling a headache coming on. "You can try but good luck convincing your parents."

The next morning:

"NO! Absolutely not!" Angel scold with all four of his hands on his hips. Even though he was in a pink dress and an apron he still looked more scary then Hell itself.

"Oh come on mom, just for a few hours." Harmony begged.

"Nope, no way." Angel kept his bottom hands on his hips while he crossed his top ones. "I will not have a bunch of snot nosed evil kids near my baby."

"I can handle them." Harmony said. "Radio Daddy please."

Alastor sipped his coffee. "Listen to your mother dear."

With a sigh Harmony snapped her fingers and teleported upstairs catching sight of her 'big brother' who is really just her dad's pet pig Fat Nuggets. "They're being unfair, right Nugs?"

"I can't believe she would ask that of us." Angel said as he angrily scrubbed the dishes aggressively. "Go to the land of the living, all by herself? With a bunch of brats there?"

"Well darling she is our daughter, I'm sure she is just looking for some entertainment for herself." Alastor told him.

"You're not seriously thinking she'd go do you?" Angel looked at his husband wide eyed.

"I do not like it but she does stay in this hotel all day and she never asks for anything. After all helping with this little project is no different than what I did when I heard of this hotel."

"But she's a baby." Angel argued.

"She's our baby my love." Alastor pointed out. "Just for one day, let us show we trust our daughter."

"I trust her it's everyone else in the world I don't trust." Angel said. "The land of the living is no different than Hell, the world is just full of fucking assholes no matter where you are."

"Then we destroy them." Alastor growled in his creepy voice.

Angel sighed. "Alright. One day but if I see or hear something I don't like she's never going up there again." 

Disney Descendants/ Hazbin Hotel Crossover Daughter of HadesWhere stories live. Discover now