Untitled Part 56

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"You guys fucking with us and telling us what we want to hear, or are you serious?" Tatum asked them.

"I'm serious. Why does there need to be a certain time limit on an engagement? If you know, you know. It's as simple as that." Zack told us.

"It's obvious you two are crazy about each other. You've been both friends, and boyfriend and girlfriend. I don't see an issue." Brooks shrugged.

"I'm serious when I said I was happy." Johnny laughed.

"And Matthew?" I asked.

"I told both of you that I worry that it's too soon. But I won't stand in your way of happiness." He grinned a little.

I'm positive that it killed him to say that. I heard him and Tatum talking last night. Matt is jealous, which I always knew. I know he has feelings for Tatum still, but he will never admit them to either of us. I'm also aware that he will get over them one day too. I'm more relieved to know he isn't going out of his way to sabotage our relationship anymore. I hate fighting with my friends. I absolutely hate it.

"Good. Everyone should bring their significant others. That means you too, Matt." Tatum grinned at him.

"You want Val there?" He asked surprised.

"She is your significant other. Yes." She said.

That even shocked me. I'm not mad at her for it. I find it very generous if anything. That takes a lot of balls to push aside your own feelings and put someone else's first. Especially in this situation.

"Are you sure?" Matt asked.

"Yes! Oh my god! Just ask her." She smiled.

"Ok, I will. Thanks." Matt said sincerely.

"Speaking of the wedding. Zachary, let's go." Tatum said.

"Say what?" Zack asked.

"I need a dress and you're going with me." She told him.

We laughed our asses off at his face. He looks like Tatum kicked him in the balls. She giggled at him.

"You're dead ass serious, aren't you?" Zack asked.

"Let's go. And yes I am." She smiled.

"Why can't Johnny go?" Zack groaned.

"Because he has an interview soon with Brooks. Matt has a meet and greet with Brian. So that leaves you." She smiled.

"I hate all of you." Zack hissed at us.

"Hey! Both of you come back sober!" I yelled out as they got ready.

"That means just one drink." Tatum smiled at him.

"Fuck you! I'm having two drinks as payment for this!" Zack hissed at her.

As Matt and I walked to the meet and greet, I heard him chuckle quietly.

"What?" I asked.

"You two are fucking crazy together. Getting married a week after you just got engaged? It just made me realize how perfect you two are together." He laughed.

"We are so much alike it's almost terrifying. Oh, by the way, there is no meet and greet. I have a surprise for Tatum." I laughed.

"Oh fuck me! What now?" Matt sighed.

"That man right there." I smiled, pointing.

Matt followed my gaze to one Billy Joe Armstrong himself. I have no idea how the fuck that man hasn't aged a bit over the years. He looks the same since the day he started in the music industry.

"She a fan?" Matt chuckled.

"More than that." I laughed, walking up to Billy.

"Hey man!" Billy laughed, shaking hands with us.

"Hey! You have no idea how much this will mean to her. Thanks for coming." I smiled.

"Dude, I was happy to." Billy grinned.

And then the waiting for Tatum and Zack to get back was agonizing. Finally he did a video chat with me. I chuckled when I answered. The poor bastard looks exhausted.

"I'm beating your ass, Gates!" Zack hissed at me.

"I know. Where are you guys?" I asked.

"Jesus christ, Tay! I hate how you drive!" Zack yelled.

"Fuck you! You drive like you're ninety! I wanna get back sometime today!" She shrieked at him.

All of us are snickering at them. Billy has his hands clamped over his mouth. I smiled at them.

"We are almost there. Maybe. If she doesn't...Tay! That was a red light!" Zack yelled.

"It was yellow!" She yelled back.

"Just get here." I laughed, hanging up.

We all died laughing when I hung up. Billy especially. I haven't told any of them that Billy and Tatum know each other. The surprise in itself will be worth seeing.

And finally, they arrived. Zack was lugging in bags and Tatum had a black garment bag that I assume holds a dress. Zack tossed everything on the floor and glared at me.

"Oh stop. You love Tatum." I snickered at Zack.

"Fuck you." He growled.

"Babe!" I yelled at her.

"Yeah?" She asked, maneuvering the large bag around.

"Someone stopped by to see you." I grinned.

"Who?" She asked curiously.

"Me." Billy smiled, peaking around the corner at her.

Tatum froze in place. She looked at Billy, then at me. She suddenly shoved the large bag at Matt and ran down the aisle past me to hug Billy.

"Billy!" She yelled happily.

"Damn. Someone is a serious fan." Johnny said awkwardly.

"Of course I'm a fan, you asstard! I've known the guy forever!" She giggled.

"God, I've missed you!" Billy said, hugging her hard.

"Damn! It's been what, five years since I last saw you." Billy said, letting go of her.

"I know! I haven't seen you since you flew me out to Utah to your concert." She smiled at him.

And everyone is staring at them. I let out a laugh. The looks that all of them have right now is worth it.

"How do they know each other?" Zack whispered at me.

"Remember her band and her friend?" I asked him.

"Yeah." He nodded.

"Her friend Teddy that died, Billy was her uncle. He taught Tatum how to play guitar." I grinned.

"You're an asshole! I thought she went crazy fangirl!" Matt whispered at me.

"I figured." I laughed.

"How did you manage this?" Tatum asked me.

"The initials in your phone, babe. I figured BJ didn't stand for blowjobs. At least I hoped like hell it didn't." I smiled, hearing them all laugh.

"I just gave him a call and He answered thinking it was you. I erased the call from your phone." I told her.

"Yeah, change that shit. Goddamn." Billy laughed to Tatum.

"Thank you." She smiled at me.

And it is the little things like this that make her incredibly happy. Being able to even something as simple as this for her makes me happy. 

My Other Half (Avenged Sevenfold)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt