Untitled Part 40

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"Tay!" I heard Brian yell out.

I giggled to myself. I already know what he is going to have a fit about.

It's been two and a half months since that night. My arm still gives me hell. I have some nerve damage in it that makes it feel like it's asleep at times. Other times my hand will just drop things that I'm holding. The doctor isn't sure if I'll ever have full use of it again.

How am I doing through all of this? I have good days and bad days. My bad days are becoming less and less. On my bad days, I don't sleep. I'm depressed and angry. I won't leave Brian's side basically. He has done nothing but assure me that I'm safe, and nothing is ever happening to me again. If I thought Matt was supportive the first time, well, I was wrong. Brian has been a saint. He's been my life support. He has held me after every bad dream. He has let me yell, scream, cry, break things when I need to. And through all of it, he never bats an eye. He's just there being caring and supportive Brian.

And this whole time, my feelings for Brian only grew stronger. We haven't discussed that night. Neither of us has said what happened. Neither of us has brought up my feelings for him. I don't know when we will either.

I'm sure you're wondering about Matt, right? I haven't talked to him. I just don't have anything left to say really other than I'm disgusted with him. Disgusted that he could be so cruel and heartless. I see him here and there, but that is it.

Unfortunately, he is over today. I had been hanging out with Johnny for most of the day while Brian had to do some things with the band. Yeah, I still don't want to be alone. I've spent a lot of time with the guys, minus Matt.

I peaked my head around the corner at Brian. His eyes are wide at me. Zack snickered and took a seat. Matt gave me a longing gaze and sighed. Brooks smiled, waving at me.

"Yes?" I asked innocently.

"What the fuck is that?" Brian pointed towards the couch.

"Your guitar?" I asked stupidly.

Johnny buried himself in a magazine. I smiled at Brian.

"That dog that is sitting on my couch!" He yelled.

"Thor?" I asked him.

"God, you would name him Thor." Matt muttered.

"Yes! Whatever his fucking name is! Where did he come from?!" Brian asked in loud voice.

"Johnny? Where did Thor come from?" I asked.

"Whoa! Johnny checked out! You're on your own girl!" Johnny said, not moving the magazine.

They snickered, Brian smirking at me.

"Um, he almost got hit by a car. Johnny and I took him to the pound to see if he had a microchip, and he didn't. There aren't any tags for him either. They were gonna kill him if I left him there!" I exclaimed.

Brian's eyes softened at me. What I said was true. Thor is a sweetheart. Yes, he is an eighty pound pitbull, who has scars on his face, but he is an absolute gentleman. All he wants is to sleep by someone and be loved.

"I'll find a home for him. I just couldn't leave him there." I sighed.

"Oh alright." Brian grumbled.

I looked up at him. A grin tugged at my lips. Brian glared at me playfully, shaking his head.

"Do not give me that look." He mumbled.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly.

"Oh for fucksake! He can stay." Brian huffed, stomping away.

We all snickered under our breath at him. When Brian came walking past me from the kitchen, I pulled on his hand and gave him a hug. Johnny peaked around his magazine and smirked. Matt looked away from us.

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