Untitled Part 25

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"You really are an asshole, Matt!" Brian yelled at me.

Of course questions were asked when Tatum didn't come with me tonight to the bar. Brian being Brian, already knew what the fight was already about. He said he could tell when I came home what was wrong. Needless to say, he is currently standing outside the bar, chewing my ass for me.

"For real, you're a fucking dickhead! I'm with Michelle for fucksake!" He yelled at me.

"I'm aware." I sighed.

"You gonna keep pushing her until she leaves you? Is that it? You gotta get past this shit of me and Tatum. It's been over and done with for months. She is a great girl. You know this! I can assure you that Tatum would kill my ass if I so much as hugged her for too long!" He yelled.

"Michelle doesn't even have an issue with Tatum and I hanging out alone for fucksake! The only one with the problem is you. You are making this into something it's not." Brian seethed at me.

"Why are you so worked up about this? Do you still have feelings for her?" I snapped.

In the years I've known Brian, I've never said anything to actually offend him. Piss him off? Well, sure. We fight like brothers. Offend him? No. Well, until just now. Brian is offended. Maybe even hurt by what I've asked him.

"You are unbelievable! The first month you dated her, yeah, there were some still feelings. But then I realized that I really loved Michelle. I was confused, Matt. The day she showed up at my house and asked to bury the hatchet between us, I was already over her. I see Tatum as one of the guys. She doesn't trust anyone at all except for you and me. She flat out told me that. I was so fucking surprised She would give me any trust again after what I did to her. Better get your shit together man." He growled at me.

God, I've fucked up everything. I really have. I doubted my girlfriend's trust and my best friends trust. I was never this way until all this shit happened with my ex. It made me doubt everything. And now, I'm gonna fuck up the best thing that has ever happened to me if I don't pull it together.

"I'm sorry." I muttered.

"What was that? I didn't hear you?" Brian glared at me.

"You fucking heard me, asshole! I said I was sorry!" I yelled, watching Brian laugh.

"Good. Now go apologize to your girlfriend." He smirked.

"Should be easy. According to her cousin, Tatum says I'm a jizz waffle." I grinned.

Brian doubled over in laughter. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Oh, and my new stage name should be The One Nut Wonder, since she is debating on which one of my balls She wants to rip off." I smiled.

"I can't breathe!" Brian wheezed as he laughed.

"Uh huh. Should be very easy to apologize and make things right." I chuckled.

"Damn." He laughed, wiping his eyes.

"And you wonder why I like hanging out with her? That is exactly why." He smiled.

"I get it now, man. I'm sorry for being a dick. I won't do this again." I sighed.

"No, you won't. Because I'm positive Tatum will make good on the offer of ripping both of your balls off for sure." He smiled.

"Get out of here. Go home. Damn." He smirked, walking inside.

Nervously, I headed back home. By the time I got there, none of the lights are on in the house. I glanced at the clock and saw it was almost one in the morning. Shit! I didn't think I'd been gone that long tonight.

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