Untitled Part 19

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"No! Absolutely not!" Tatum yelled.

Gena and Lacy burst into laughter. I peaked my head around the corner to see them standing outside my downstairs bathroom. The door is closed and I can hear Tatum yelling that she is not coming out.

"What did you girls make her buy?" I asked.

"Harley Quinn outfit for Halloween next week." Gena smiled.

My eyes lit up happily hearing this. I made Tatum get out of the house for a while today. She has hardly gone anywhere in over a month. She took a leave of absence from her job, and thankfully her boss was more than nice about it.

She has been staying with me for the whole time too. I refuse to let her go back home, since her car still hasn't been found, or her driver's license for that matter.

How have things been between us? Perfect. Absolutely, perfect. I enjoy her feisty attitude and when the bizarre shit that comes out of her mouth when she's worked up about something. She makes me laugh all the time. Whenever she gets pissed, I have a way of calming her down too. I love being with her.

As far as Brian, well, he hasn't said a word about her since that day at my house. None of them know we are together either. Not that I'm embarrassed by her, because I'm definitely not, but more of the fact Tatum didn't want to add more fuel to the fire. I respect that, but, I'm ready for it to be out in the open.

"Tay? Come out. It can't be that bad." I called through the door.

"Oh fuck off!" She yelled.

"I cannot believe you talked her into buying that costume." Zack said behind us to Gena.

"I didn't give her the choice. I bought it for her." Gena smiled.

"Please, Tatum?" Lacy begged.

"No!" She shrieked.

"I'm going in." Gena said, throwing the door open.

The door opened long enough for Gena to run inside. I heard a small struggle behind the door, then Gena came running out of my bathroom. She smiled widely as she held Tatum's normal clothes.

"You asshole!" Tatum yelled.

Gena giggled maniacally when the door flew open. My eyes almost fell out of my head when I saw her in that costume. Sweet Jesus, she looks hot!

"Damn!" Lacy smiled at her.

"Uh, yeah. Nice costume." Zack muttered, looking away.

"Yep. Good choice." Johnny barely breathed out, looking at Lacy.

"Give me my clothes." Tatum growled.

"Can't!" Gena yelled, running off.

"You bitch!" Tatum shrieked, taking off after her.

We all ran into the kitchen to see where they went. Brian sat on my counter drinking a beer, while I can hear them running around my living room.

"Goddamn you Gena!" Tatum yelled, running through the kitchen after her.

"Catch!" Gena yelled, throwing her wad of clothes at Zack.

"Yeah, fuck that!" Zack yelled, dropping her clothes.

"They're right there, Tatum." Gena smiled, moving towards her clothes again.

"This is awesome!" Johnny smiled.

"Babe! Stop fucking with her!" Zack laughed.

"I'll pop one of your implants, Gena." Tatum snarled.

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