Untitled Part 3

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When we got in the car, I gave Matt my address. The music industry must pay well since he is driving a newer Mercedes Benz. Impressive, I must say. Not that I care what he drives. It's just a nice car.

I sat in the backseat trying to keep my eyes open as we drove. What an exhausting day. But, I did meet a few nice people to talk to. At least they seem nice. Looks can be deceiving.

My eyes shut as we drove. I wasn't asleep, but I was getting close to it. I heard shuffling around from the front.

"She asleep?" Matt asked.

"I think so. She did have six Jack and Cokes. My kind of girl." Brian chuckled.

"Mine too. I like her. She seems cool." Matt said.

"I like her too. And I'm not the one in the on again off again with someone." Brian pointed out.

"I know." Matt sighed.

It's amazing what you can learn when you close your eyes and pretend to sleep. I didn't open my eyes or move. I let them continue talking.

"How is that going?" Brian asked.

"We are not speaking right now." Matt grumbled.

"Until next week, right? Isn't that how is always goes?" Brian asked.

"I know, Gates. It's hard right now. After Jimmy passed, I can't seem to get my shit together." Matt said sadly.

"None of us can. We all lost him. It sucks." Brian said quietly.

"I know it does. Val understands sometimes, then she doesn't. Right now she doesn't. Tonight with Tatum, it just felt right." Matt sighed.

"You know what you need to do man. Don't let that cloud your judgment." Brian said.

"I know, man." Matt groaned.

Well that got interesting. So Matt has a girlfriend. I should of expected that. Not sure why I would be surprised.

Jimmy must be a friend of theirs that was close to them. That much I got out of it.

But what about Brian? He's very secretive almost. Not that he needs to tell me his life story, but he hasn't let much on. What do I care? I'll never see these guys again, right?

I must of dozed off finally. I woke to the overhead light on in the car. Brian was leaned over me a little. He grinned at me gently.

"Hey doll. You're home. Come on. I'll walk you up." Brian said.

"It was really nice meeting you." Matt turned to me from the front seat.

He seemed almost sad when he said that. I don't understand why though.

"You too. Thanks for everything. And the ride home." I smiled.

"Anytime. Who knows? Maybe we will run into each other some time." He grinned a little.

"You never know. Take care." I said, getting out.

Brian and I walked slowly up to my house. He grinned at me, handing me my bag.

"Shit. Thanks, I am so out of it. Didn't realize I hadn't grabbed it." I said, taking it.

"No problem." He smiled.

I fished out my keys and unlocked the door. I turned and smiled at him. Brian grinned, tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear that hand fallen out of the bun it was in.

"You gonna be ok? You had a lot to drink tonight." He said.

"Yeah. I'll be ok. Thanks for not letting me cause a scene." I grinned.

My Other Half (Avenged Sevenfold)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon