Untitled Part 64

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"Sit the fuck down. Now." Tatum snarled at me.

I'm scared as hell, between the look She is giving me and with how calm she is. Tatum's face is red and I saw her hands shaking. I swallowed thickly and sat down on the couch. My eyes followed her as she paced the floor.

"How stupid do you think I am?" She asked me, stopping.

"What? Babe, I don't think that at all." I said confused.

"So, I'm supposed to believe that you were with the guys for four hours last night, just drinking beers?" She glared.

"Any of them can vouch for that." I said.

"Uh huh. So, care to explain this, then?" She snapped, turning the laptop around.

And just like that, I felt all the trust She had in me shatter. All because of a dumb bitch that won't let go. All because I made the mistake of asking her if she was ok when She was crying last night. This is what I get for doing the right thing.

"THAT, is NOT what it looks like!" I said defensively.

"I warned her. I've warned everyone to stay the fuck away and out of my life. You recall that, don't you?" She asked me.

I nodded vigorously at her. Fuck yeah, I remember that. Tatum is ready to kill my sorry ass.

"I can't believe you did this to me. To us. You motherfucker!" She screamed at me.

I held up my hands in defense at her. Fuck, fuck, fuck! I'm not sure I can calm her down or even get her to listen to me, she is so fucking angry and hurt.

"Stay the fuck away from me!" She yelled, tears falling down her face.

"Tatum, you need to listen to me." I said calmly.

"No! Fuck that!" She cried out.

"I can explain all of this. Please. I've never lied to you." I said desperately.

"You did too!" She yelled, running out the front door.

Remember when I said that Tatum was fast? Yeah, that girl can run unlike anyone I've ever met in my life. She was gone by the time I grabbed my keys and went to the door.

"FUCK!!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Panting, I sat down on my porch. Where would she go on foot? Think, Brian. I'm so upset and pissed off, I can't come up with one Goddamn place. Maybe she just went to cool off. Took a walk. No. Tatum doesn't go for walks like this. Tatum needs to yell and scream at someone or something. She wouldn't be at Joe's place just yet.

Feeling panicked, I got in my car and drove around looking for her. I came up empty handed. I must of looked for over an hour. I headed back home to see if she had come back. She hadn't.

My phone rang. Zack. Please let her be with him.

"Hey." I said breathlessly.

"What the fuck did you do, man!?" Zack yelled.

Well, I know where she is now.

"Is Tatum with you?" I asked.

"She went to Gena's work. Gena called me. Yes, she is with me, you dumb son of a bitch!" Zack yelled into the phone.

"Thank god." I sighed out.

"Listen to me, asshole. I don't know all of what the fuck happened, but you better fucking fix this! I'll break your fucking hands. I'm not playing with you man." Zack snarled at me.

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