Untitled Part 65

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"I fell. Those damn steps and these heels make me a klutz." Michelle said to the cop.

Now it was our turn to stare at Michelle shocked. She just lied to the cop after Tatum beat her ass? I really can't believe what I am hearing. I figured she'd sell Tatum out in a heartbeat.

"Why is there blood on your shirt?" The cop asked Tatum.

Tatum sighed and went to speak, but Michelle cut her off. Tatum would of stated the truth. Even if it meant getting herself arrested.

"Jesus, she was helping me." Michelle said annoyed.

"Is that true?" The cop asked.

We all nodded, mumbling in agreement with her. I noticed Tatum looking away as She nodded. I don't want my wife going to jail. I knew this day would happen eventually. I just knew it.

"Well, a neighbor reported a fight." The cop said.

"Probably Mrs. Ford. She called the cops on the kids down the street one day because they kicked over her garbage can on accident." Zack rolled his eyes.

"Christ. Well, ok. If you say there was no fight, I have to let it be then. Get to the hospital ma'am. That looks bad." The cop grinned, walking away.

Once he was out of sight, we all let out a deep sigh. Tatum looked at Michelle curiously.

"I deserved it. I get it now. Let's just leave this where it is. I need to go to the hospital." Michelle sighed.

"Probably. Get in. I'll take ya." Matt told her.

Once Michelle was inside his car, Matt grinned at Tatum. He let out a laugh and smiled at her.

"Thanks for not breaking my nose both times ya hit me." He smirked.

"Yeah, yeah. Go on. Go get her fixed up and then go see your kid." Tatum grinned a little.

"Come see the baby. Stop avoiding my house. Val knows to not say anything to you. I'll let Brian explain. I'll see you guys in a few days." Matt smiled, getting in his car.

"You two need to talk." Zack told us, shoving us inside his house.

What a fucked up day. Tatum sat down at the table, rubbing her temples. Zack grinned and grabbed beers for us. I sat down across from her, drinking a beer.

"Are you ok?" I asked her.

"No. I've a had a shit day." She grumbled, not looking at me.

"I'm just the referee." Zack smiled, drinking his beer.

I shot him a glare.

"Your hand hurt?" I asked her.

"No. Just my shoulder." She said.

Zack grabbed another icepack and a towel for Tatum. He gently laid it on her shoulder. He clapped me on the back and went down to his basement.

"I wanted to tell you last night but you were so pissed at me. I know I fucked up. Babe, I wouldn't cheat on you. Never in my life would I cheat on you." I said.

"I know I overreacted. I'm sorry that I did too. You have to understand that the last two relationships I've had, ended up like that. I know I need to trust you when you say you did or didn't do something. I probably would of been more rational had I not just gotten done at the police station." She sighed.

And I thought I was having a bad day. I sighed and looked at her. Tatum looks physically and mentally exhausted.

"I know you should have listened to me. But I also realize what you just dealt with before all of this shit. And, I think that this all needed to happen. No one was more surprised than me when Michelle lied to the cop. Normally, she would of turned on you in a heartbeat. It's done now. All of it. Val included." I said.

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