Untitled Part 22

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Even though I was having fun at Zack's house tonight, I started to feel my anxiety creeping in. There are about twenty five people here, and this is the largest crowd I've had to deal with since that night.

I had been talking with the girls, and we were laughing and having fun. Everything was fine. But out of nowhere, I felt an anxiety attack starting. I quickly excused myself and slipped outside. I made it around the side of the house before I let my hyperventilating start.

Hands. His disgusting hands are all over me. I blocked out a lot of that night. His hands had roamed freely over my chest, squeezing hard at my breasts. The fear. I felt nothing but fear. Oh god, I can't breath.

"Tay? Listen to me." I heard Brian say calmly.

Wait, where the hell did he come from? I was alone. I glanced up to see him standing in front of me worried.

"One breath, Tay. Just one." He said calmly.

I sucked in a tiny breath of air. He nodded, breathing with me. Tears rolled down my face quickly as I started to calm down. Brian didn't say anything else. He just hugged me tight.

"Everyone here is a friend. There is no one here that would hurt you." He said quietly.

"I know. I just, I haven't been around a lot of people since this happened. I don't know what happened just now." I sobbed out.

"Anxiety attack. I'm surprised you haven't had more of them honestly." He said.

"Tatum? What the hell is going on?" I heard Matt behind me.

"I came out for a smoke and heard her hyperventilating, man. She was having an anxiety attack. I wasn't going to leave her alone just to grab you. I'm sorry." Brian said carefully.

"Shit. Come here, baby." Matt said quietly.

Brian released me, and Matt stepped in his place. His large frame engulfed me into a hug. Safe. Now I'm safe. I took in everything about Matt in order to calm myself down. His cologne. I love the smell of it. The way he runs his hands up and down my back when he holds me.

"Are you ok?" Matt asked.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Hey, stop that. You can't help it." He said.

"Need a cigarette?" Brian asked, handing me his pack.

"Thanks." I sniffled, taking one.

Matt and I finally pulled away from each other. The three of us sat down and smoked cigarettes without a word for a while. I'm finally calm.

"The Berry twins gave me the nickname of Yoko." I said out of nowhere.

"I'll fucking snap their necks." Matt growled.

Brian and I chuckled.

"Nah. They're shitfaced, Matt. They aren't being mean." I said.

"They do need a new nickname for her. Yoko is not cool." Brian laughed.

"Agreed." I grinned.

"She's not Asian either. I keep telling her this." Matt smiled at us.

Brian and I laughed. It was nice for the three of us to joke around and laugh together like we had in the past. The weird tension between all of us is gone, and I'm glad it is.

"True. If this girl was any whiter, she would be clear." Brian grinned.

"Very true." I grinned.

"Uh, everyone getting along ok?" Matt asked.

"Oh my god. You two worry too fucking much about me. Do you see blood on the floor, or hair ripped out anywhere?" I asked them.

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