Untitled Part 56

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I chuckled to myself as I listened to Tatum sing. She has turned into quite the songbird lately. Once she has her headphones in, she doesn't care who is around when she sings. We all find it amusing. Currently she is singing Good Riddance by Green Day.

"Why doesn't she sing?" Matt finally asked me.

"She used to. She was in a band I guess after high school with her best friend. One night after a gig, her best friend was headed home and was hit head on by a drunk driver and died. She said she just didn't have the desire to sing after." I said.

"Damn, that is shitty." Johnny said.

"Christ sake. She's had a shit time. Makes sense why she's so pissed off." Zack grinned a little.

"Nah man. That's just Tatum. Her dad told me this story that they used to have a cat. Tatum went out of her way to be that cats best friend. The girl tried everything to be it's friend. The cat was an asshole to her no matter what. It would bite her and scratch her. One night, Tay comes running through the living room chasing that cat. Her dad asked her mom why she was chasing the fucking cat. Her mom said that Tatum had done everything to make that cat her friend, now she was making it her worst enemy. Still holds true today." I smiled, watching them laugh.

"That cat was a dick!" Tatum yelled out, more laughter ensuing.

"What the fuck is this?" Johnny grumbled, picking something up off the seat.

Oh shit! We couldn't find Tatum's bra last night. I didn't think to check between the seats. Johnny held it up, giving me a disgusted stare.

"Oh hey! You found it! Thanks." Tatum smiled, taking it from Johnny.

All of us looked at Johnny and smirked. The realization of why her bra was there finally hit him.

"Oh for fucksake! We eat here!" Johnny yelled, getting up.

"You two fucked on the table?" Matt asked us.

"Just the one time." Tatum muttered.

"What the fuck, guys!?" Matt yelled and laughed.

"We cleaned it for christsake." I muttered.

"Never eating there again. Got it." Brooks muttered.

"Is now a bad time to tell you guys that Gena and I also had sex on that table last tour?" Zack laughed.

"I'm burning the fucking table!" Johnny screeched.

Tatum and I can't stop laughing. I smiled at her and pulled her into my lap. She gave me a look, and I knew what she wanted me to tell them all.

We planned on telling them we are going to Vegas to get married next week. We decided last night that we could pull off a small ceremony of close family and friends. We are going to have a big wedding reception in a few months after we are back.

"So, we decided we are getting married next week in Vegas and we want you guys there." I finally said.

A feather being dropped could be heard on the bus it was so quiet. All of them stared at us rather surprised.

"No shit? Cool." Brooks smiled at us.

"You two are batshit crazy. But I'm happy for you." Zack laughed.

"Whatever makes both of you happy, I'm happy for you." Johnny smiled.

"Damn. Ok. Wasn't expecting that one. But, if that's what you guys want to do, I support you." Matt grinned.

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