Untitled Part 18

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"Fuck!" I gasped for air.

I woke up drenched in sweat again. It's been two weeks since that guy almost killed me. I can't get rid of the dreams. I hate the sound of any loud banging of any kind. It reminds me of when the gun shot rang out that night. But most of all, I'm deathly afraid of being alone.

I don't want to go out either. I'm scared that I may run into that guy and the same thing will happen again. I can hear the man's gravelly voice. I can see the scorpion tattoo clear as day. I just didn't get a good look at his face.

The police couldn't get a good look at his face when he used my credit card at a store. There was no DNA found on me from him. My car hasn't been found, so there isn't even a fingerprint to go on. The dude is a Ghost.

"Tatum? You ok?" Matt asked tiredly next to me.

Oh, and I haven't left Matt's house either since this all happened. He refuses to let me go home. Honestly, I'm not sure how I would be right now if I hadn't had his support. He's basically doted on me since I've been here. I don't quite know how to deal with that. I've never had any male care that much about me besides my father.

"Uh, yeah." I panted, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Come lay down." He said quietly.

"I'm sweaty and disgusting." I told him.

"Sounds hot." He said amused.

I giggled, glancing over my shoulder at him.

"I could care less. Come lay down." He said, tugging on my hand.

"You're so weird." I said, laying down.

Matt curled in behind me, laying his arm over my waist.

"I haven't had a sweaty woman in my bed in quite some time." He chuckled.

"Ew! Too much information, man!" I exclaimed.

"Whatever. Go to sleep sassy ass." He mumbled.

The next day I had just gotten ready for the day and headed downstairs when I heard Brian and Matt arguing in the kitchen. I paused before I made an appearance.

"Seriously, Matt? It's like you couldn't wait to make a move on Tatum." Brian snapped.

"Oh fuck you, Brian! The second Michelle calls, you invite her ass over knowing that Tatum would come back at any given second! You did that shit so it was the easy way out. You knew Tatum wouldn't want shit to do with you after that!" Matt yelled.

"I did not! Michelle just showed up!" Brian yelled back.

"It doesn't matter anymore, man. Tatum is done. She told you that." Matt sighed.

"Is she? Because I don't think so." Brian said.

"You have Michelle. Just like you wanted. Leave her alone." Matt snarled.

"Maybe I have Michelle. Maybe I want Tatum too." Brian said casually.

Is Brian serious right now? Why the fuck would I want a guy who already has a girlfriend? Is he that full of himself!?

"Tatum doesn't want you though, does she?" Matt asked. "That is what pisses you off so much, Brian. The fact that she didn't scream and cry, then beg you to stay. She just walked away from your ass."

"You two wanna put your dicks away yet?" I asked, leaning in the doorway.

Brian and Matt slowly turned their heads towards me. Matt's face turned red with embarrassment, while Brian went pale. Both were surprised to see me.

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