Untitled Part 69

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I groaned the next day as I laid in the bunk. My cramps are probably the worst I've ever had since I started having a period. I don't recall much of the previous day, other than leaving the hospital and the guys stopping by late that night.

To say I'm scared is an understatement. I'm beyond terrified. Once the results are back, I have to go for another procedure so they can get any of the cancer cells or whatever the fuck is going on. I'm not looking forward to it.

I sat up slowly in the bunk. I do feel better than I had yesterday after we got done at the hospital. I don't feel dizzy like the doctor said I would.

Feeling daring, I slowly stood. The only problem was, the world tilted sideways at that time for me. My hands flew out in front of me to catch myself against the wall.

"Tatum?" Matt asked worried.

My eyes can't even focus, I'm so damn dizzy. Two large hands gently grabbed my upper arms.

"Easy. Why didn't you yell for me?" Matt asked, lowering me to sit on the bed again.

"Shit. I forgot that you're in charge of me while Brian is gone." I grinned.

Matt let out a laugh and sat on the floor across from me. I grinned a little.

"Need anything?" He asked.

"No. I was just going to get up is all. I thought I was fine." I sighed.

"Are you in a lot of pain? Brian wrote down a list of symptoms for me to go over with you." He grinned.

"I'm not surprised." I rolled my eyes.

"Cut him some slack. He's just worried. We all are." He said.

"Sorry. And I'm sorry about the other day when I ripped your head off for no reason." I sighed.

"I'm not worried about it. At least you didn't call me a cunt this time." He smiled.

I have called him that in the past. I forgot about that. I let out a small laugh.

"Tatum, I want to apologize for acting like an asshole at the wedding. Val not coming really put me in a shit frame of mind. I'm sorry. And yes, I've said it a hundred times before, but I acted like a piece of shit. Again." He sighed.

"It's fine. Zack got you out of there. No damage done." I muttered.

"It wasn't fair of me. I haven't been good to you at all. I was so pissed at you for not taking me back. For the longest time, I was angry. But I realized I was pissed at myself for doing what I did. I was never mad at you. I have no idea what I was thinking when I was..." He trailed off.

"Fucking around with Val?" I finished.

"Yeah." He nodded.

"Are you really over this? I mean, me and you? Do you actually want to be friends with me? We don't have to be. We can be cordial to one another." I said.

He grinned a little and sighed. Staring up at me, he smiled more.

"I think both of us are working towards being friends again, aren't we?" He asked.

"I'm trying to, but then you're a shithead." I pointed out.

He chuckled and nodded.

"True. It's been all of my doing and I know this. For the first time in my life, I feel really lost." He sighed, running his hand over his face.

"Because of Jimmy?" I asked carefully.

Matt's eyes snapped up to mine. I held my breath. We only discussed Jimmy a few times. Matt never really got too in depth about him. Not like Brian does.

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