Chapter 1

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-Here we go boys: because there is not enough Ghosty bois in my life, I must add some!

Third person POV
"Tommy listen to me, please", Motherinnit asks for the third time today, though Tommy hadn't noticed. His mother just gave him permission to live by himself in their holiday home, along with his best friend Tubbo.

It was a surprise when Tommy asked Motherinnit to let him live in the new holiday home, and she let him. Then, when Tubbo asked Mother Dearest, to their surprised, she also said he could stay with Tommy.

"Remember the deal Tommy, you can stay at the holiday home, as long as you clean the place, I'll send you guys money so you can buy food, please don't waste it", Motherinnit kindly informs Tommy once again. They were currently putting Tommy's luggage in the car, on their way to get Tubbo.

Tubbo lives a two hours away, so they're leaving at eight in the morning. "I will mum", Tommy replies, getting in the front seat, Motherinnit starting the car to drive to Tubbo's.


"TOMMY!", both Motherinnit and Tommy hear a shout from the front door, where tubbo stood. A smile appears on Tommy's face, making the whole two hour trip worth it to Motherinnit. Tommy rushes out of the car and runs to Tubbo, tackling him into a hug.

Tommy and Tubbo had been friends for a long time, a couple of years, and had met through a raid that Tommy sent to Tubbo after a stream. They were both streamers, and had to carefully pack their setups so they could stream at the holiday house.

"TOBY! Remember what I told you! You can come home anytime! Call me at least once a week!", Mother Dearest calls from the kitchen. Tommy let's go of Tubbo so he can get his belongings and say goodbye to his parents.

When they finally get Tubbo's luggage in the car, they start the drive to the holiday home. Tommy and Tubbo talking about future streams the entire way there, with the occasional joke on Tommy's part. "Did you hear that the house may be haunted? I was looking up the history of the house, and apparently a family of 3, a father and his two sons, died in a house fire there. There are rumors of the house being haunted, though no one can confirm it... Tommy let's confirm the house hauntings!", Tubbo exclaims.

"Tubbo, ghost aren't real, that's why it can't be proven. But it sounds like fun to go ghost hunting, so let's do it!", Tommy tells Tubbo, even if he doesn't believe in ghosts, it sounded like fun to hunt them. They continue the car ride to the house.


When they get to the house, it looks almost run down. Vines are growing along the walls, the yard hasn't been mowed in years. Tommy looks at Tubbo, the other already looking at him. They grab their backpacks, Tommy having a blue one, while Tubbo grabbed a bee striped duffle bag. They shared one thought as they entered the house:

This is going to be a lot of work.

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