Chapter 11

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I realized that I haven't been focusing on the ghosts like I should, so have some Ghosty bois
-I'm sorry! I had exams and couldn't update on time!!
—Question! Favorite school subject? Mines either English or Spanish

Third Person POV
While Tommy and Tubbo were once again asleep on the couch to movies, the ghosts wanted to see what they could do. In the five years they've been stuck in this house, they never tried to move things much. The only reason they moved items before the boys came was to scare away people they didn't want there.

Phil was motivated to move object so he could help the boys, his father instincts were really at fault for this. He wanted to be there for the boys that have entered the home.

Wilbur was motivated to move objects so he could play the guitar without having to focus really hard on the said item. He wanted to play songs for the boys, he missed being able to play for people.

Techno was motivated to move objects so he could play Minecraft and start to fence again. It is very hard mentally to focus on an opponent and focus on holding the sword so it doesn't fall to the ground, plus he really just misses playing Minecraft.

So it came as a surprise when the boys woke up to the lights constantly flickering, and things being brought to them as they did things around the house. The milk floated to the table as the boys ate their cereal, only to fall violently against the table, causing both boys to jump.

"Tubbo, didn't you tell your chat that you were going to stream today?", Tommy asked, putting his bowl in the sink. He noted that he'd have to do the dishes before his mother yelled at him, only to come to a realization that his mother couldn't yell at him to do the dishes now.

"... I'm sure the ghost won't do anything too crazy, I already told them I was streaming and they asked if they could still practice and I said yeah. Don't know if I'll come to regret that now", Tubbo explains, but Tommy missed the first bit. He just nods to the information anyway.

As Tommy walks back to his room, he walks across the doorway to the creepy room. The door was usually shut, but today it was open. He didn't think much of this, until he glanced into the room and had to duck out of the way before a sword went through him. He hugs the wall, panting for air, that scared him. He glances inside and only sees a floating sword being slashed through the air. Tommy decides to not stay there, in fear of losing an eye, and finally gets to his room.

Techno watches as Tommy scattered to his room, confused. Why did Tommy react like that to him?

He looks at the sword and sees his hand is transparent, and realization dawns on him. All Tommy saw was a floating sword swing across a room. This made Techno laugh, the idea to him was hilarious.

Tubbo had put his bowl in the sink and went to his room to stream. His room didn't pass the creepy room, so he didn't get scared.

He gets his computer set up and he puts up his waiting screen, music playing in the background while he's muted. "Yo ghosts, I've started streaming so please practice else where", he says loudly, hoping the ghosts heard.

The lights flicker slightly, so tubbo takes that as they heard him. After a few minutes, he removed the waiting screens and starts his introduction.

About an hour into his stream, he reaches his sub goal- another cooking stream. He laughs as ideas of incorporating the ghosts in the stream. "Alright chat! What should our next subgoal be?", he asks chat.

Many of the comments were to do a ghost hunting stream/video, and seeing as that was what the majority of his audience wanted, he thought it be a good idea. "I'm seeing... a lot of people wanting a ghost hunting video.. bro does this house look haunted to you?", I ask, laughing.

He seemed to be proved correct when chat started to go crazy about a 'pinkish blur'. Tubbo knew right away that techno made a surprise appearance to the stream, and tried to play it off as a glare due to the new lights. Chat didn't believe him, but dropped the subject and they continued on with their journey.

"Holy cow chat! We reached the subgoal an hour ago and now I have to get a new one?! Now I owe y'all a cooking stream and a ghost hunting stream. Y'all are in for a treat!", tubbo exclaims happily. The chat was yelling 'Pog' at him, making him laugh.

A few minutes pass and tubbo is looking through his notes that he made for the stream, flipping a page with a little too much energy and cuts his finger. He hisses in pain and quickly gets the cut off screen, TOS would have none of the blood.

"Sorry chat! Cut my finger, need to get a bandaid real quick!", he gets up to leave, getting a bandaid from the bathroom and returned. "Sorry about that chat!", he exclaims.

One comment in the chat caught his attention, it said 'Blood for the Blood God'. Blood God?? "Who's the Blood God chat?", tubbo asks, getting back in his chair. Behind him he hears some kind of clatter, he turns around quick enough to see a flustered techno quickly disappear.

The chat explains that it's an old YouTuber, someone by the name of 'TechnoBlade'. "That sounds familiar", tubbo mutters, but continues streaming for another hour before ending.

"Techno!! Did you have a YouTube channel?!", tubbo yells to the pink outline, whose face was darker shade of pink. The outline holds up a notepad that said 'yes'.

"That's so cool!! Why did you never tell us you did YouTube!", he exclaims louder! But he didn't get an answer, seeing as the outline disappeared.

Techno was really flustered that even after five years people still watched his videos and referee to them. He wasn't too big on YouTube, about 900K subscribers; but he was proud of his time on YouTube.

Techno drifts away from tubbo and back towards his room, going to continue his fencing, just in time to see a gremlin Tommy climb to the attic. He didn't think much of it and continued his practice.

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