Chapter 23

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-We are nearing the end, can you tell?
— I felt bad for not posting for a while, so here you go!
—-Question of the week! If you were to join the DreamSMP, whose side would you be on? I personally would love to join the syndicate!

Third Person POV
Tommy sighed as he knew there was only one week left in the house, then they'd have to leave. He didn't want to leave the ghosts, maybe the next person to move in would let them talk to the ghosts.

Man tubbo is lucky he at least gets to keep his ghost friend, Ranboo. Tommy didn't want to be lonely without a nice ghost friend.

Right now, Tommy and tubbo are sat down doing the summer work they didn't do over the actually summer. Tommy had a hard time focusing with the silence and asked tubbo if he could turn on somebody's stream. Tubbo said he could and it wouldn't bother him so Tommy went to see who was live.

The only person live was Eret, he was doing a chill stream on the SMP. Tommy clicked on the stream and continued his work.

After a few assignments were done, Tommy focused on the stream, listening to Eret talk about the UK.

"Yeah I would move back to the UK, if I could take some friends. I don't think I would want to move in by myself, and id have be able to bring goose with me", they explained.

Tommy looked around the house, they were working in the dining room so if one of them needed help they could ask the other. He remembers that there's three bedrooms in the house. Perfect for roommates.

He quickly donates ten dollars telling Eret to text him after the stream. "Tommyinnit? Okay, thanks for the ten, by the way", says as he continues building.

Tubbo looks at Tommy, "what are you planning?", he asks. Tommy just smirks at him and continues his work. Tubbo sighs and gets back to his as well, having Ranboo read the passages to him.


When Eret ended stream, he didn't know what to expect from Tommy. They texted him, which brought him to this moment.

Tommy was offering a house to him in the UK.

It had three bedrooms, which is good for the two roommates he would want to move with. And with it being a house, he could bring animals with him.

He told Tommy to let him think about it, but didn't seem like a bad idea.

He sighs, this wasn't how he thought he'd move. But seeing how Tommy and tubbo only have it for one more week, he knew he'd have to act fast if he wanted the house.

Eret quickly texted the two people he would do anything with, wondering if they would want to move to the UK and room with him.


Tommy smiled, if Eret moved here, they would for sure let him and tubbo visit the ghosts sometimes. Tommy only hopes the ghost won't think they're abandoning them, this was just a summer home after all.

On that thought, Wilbur walks through the door and into the dining room. He hovers around Tommy and ruffles his hair, as an older brother might do. It made Tommy crack a somber smile.

"Hey toms, you okay? You look upset?", Wilbur asks. Though Wilbur wasn't too happy himself, he wanted to check on the kid before himself.

"You guys don't think we're abandoning you, do you?", Tommy asks him, to which Wilbur gives him a small smile. Of course he's worried about that.

"No, Tommy, we don't think that, yes I'm sad you guys are leaving, but we knew it wasn't going to last forever. I wish we had more time, but I'm happy with the time we got to spend together", Wilbur says, hoping it helps.

Tommy smiles and sighs before looking at the work before him. He needed to get back to work.

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