Chapter 20

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—Hello!! I'm back!
—-Question of the week! Do y'all have pets? I have two dogs and they are so meannn.

Third Person POV
The ghosts just stare at him confused. "Repeat that?", Phil asks.

So tubbo does. "Do you want to pass on?". Tommy looks at him, wondering what he's on about. There was nothing in his book about how to send ghosts back besides a footnote to look in their past book, but when he looked for it in the attic, it wasn't there.

"I mean, not right now, but I definitely don't want to stay here forever", Wilbur says, the other two agreeing with him. Tubbo nods to this before speaking again.

"Well, if you ever want to, I think I have a way to do it", he says as he pulls out a book that looks similar to the books in the attic. Tommy's eyes widen as he recognizes the author on the cover, it's the same author as his books.

The ghost just stare in shock at the opportunity presented to them. They knew they weren't ready to leave yet, but knowing they could made a stress they didn't know was there leave.

Everyone bids goodnight to each other, disappearing to their own rooms. Each thinking about something.

Phil was thinking about how happy he was that his children could be put to rest and wouldn't have to be stuck to this house forever. That was blessing.

Wilbur was thinking about when he'd be ready to leave, he knew it has to be before the boys died. He definitely wanted to leave before that. But he didn't want to leave the boys behind. He just sighed and pulled out his guitar, strumming it to a song one of his bands made.

Techno was thinking about his brother and father. He couldn't leave them or the boys. As much as he'd hate to admit it, he cares for the boys plus Phil and Wilbur. He decided he wouldn't leave unless both Phil and Wilbur left, and even then the boys would have to be moved out so he wouldn't be leaving them behind either.

Tommy was thinking about how tubbo got that book. He could've always gotten from the shelf in the attic, but Tommy knew it wasn't in there. Maybe he got it from Tommy's book shelve, but why would he? There aren't many books that look important on his shelf so why even look?

Tubbo was thinking about when the ghost would be ready to leave. It'd have to be before he and Tommy died, as he'd need help getting them to pass on. But he knew they probably wouldn't leave with them still living in the house, as they've grown quite attached to each other.

Tubbo just hoped that whenever they leave, they'd be happy with the memories they made with him and Tommy.

Speaking of Tommy, a knock came to tubbos door. He gets up and answers it to Tommy standing there with a curious look.

"Where'd you get that book?", he asked. Tubbo thought for second on whether he should lie or not.

"I got it from your room one day while I was looking for you, I know you don't usually read so I thought you wouldn't notice", tubbo tells the truth. Tommy nods to this, and tubbo is happy he's not mad.

"Can I borrow it? I would like to read it", he asks, to which tubbo nods and hands him the book.

"Just.. give it back when you're done, I'm not done reading it, but you're much faster at reading so I know you'll finish it in no time. Night Tommy", tubbo says as he gets into his bed.

"Thanks, night tubbo", Tommy says as he shuts the lights off and shuts the door, making his way to his room.

Once he gets to his room, Tommy opens the book and begins to read.

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