Chapter 19

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-I can't believe there's almost 20 chapters, I've never gone through with a book before.
—Hey, so, July is such a crazy month for me and it leads into the school year so I can't promise as scheduled updates, but I will try to update when I can!
—-Question of the Week! I asked this in an experimental chapter but what's yalls best/worst pickup line! I find the ten-I-see for Tennessee quite funny

Third Person POV
Tommy's a medium too. This wasn't a shock to Phil, but to the rest it was. Especially Tommy.

When Tommy read that there were mediums that only experienced their sixth sense in their sleep and were susceptible to dreams induced by ghosts, he was amazed. Sure, tubbo got the flashy side of being a medium but that doesn't make Tommy any less special.

To celebrate, they were going to bake a cake, on stream of course so that tubbo could get one stream out of the way. Not that Tommy was complaining, cake is cake.

Was the setup scuffed, yes. Did that matter, no.

They had all the stuff they'd need and a camera, the ghosts were going to help them, as they could actually cook. Tommy snickered at the thought of scaring chat with the help of the ghosts and knew at least Wilbur would help him.

Tubbo was talking to the chat as Tommy was looking at the recipe they picked, it was just a vanilla cake, but Tommy was excited. Plus tubbo would be have to talk to Tommy, which made both of them happy.

"Tommy get the pans out and get the oven preheating?", tubbo called out while getting the flour, milk, and eggs out. Tommy grumbled to keep his appearance up and did as told.

Looking at the recipe, Tommy gets confused, "why the fuck are we putting baking powder and baking soda in this? It's cake?". Tubbo sighed, he forgot that stream Tommy was so much brasher then off-stream Tommy.

"I know right, but let me tell you, it taste worst without it", Wilbur tells Tommy, masking his voice so that only the ghosts, Tommy, and tubbo can hear him. Tommy laughs at this, then realized he's laughed at nothing and create something to laugh at. "Tubbooooo I got baking soda on me", Tommy whines.

Tubbo laughs at him, before cleaning up that mess of baking soda. Saving the rest to put in the cake.

Mixing the dry ingredients together, tubbo looks as techno is monitoring the oven; making sure it doesn't do anything, like start a fire. He sighs, but is grateful for their help.

Tommy throws the butter in as tubbo still mixes the dry ingredients, getting more aggressive with each throw, almost spilling it on tubbo. He laughs obnoxiously when a bit does spill, phil giving him the side eye, so Tommy quiets down his laughs.

Tommy takes a turn at mixing as tubbo adds the vanilla extract and milk to the mixture. Tubbo had asked to switch with the excuse that his hands hurt, but he just didn't want Tommy to spill anything else on him.

Both Tommy and tubbo add an egg to the mixture, Tommy mixing it until it's the right consistency, or at least close enough.

Tubbo sprays the pans as Tommy pours the mixture into the pans, getting some on the table and on the pans. They slide the pans into the oven and set the timer for thirty minutes.

Tubbo looks to Tommy in time to see him smirk at Wilbur, before picking up a small but of flouting and 'tripping', getting the flour on Wilbur. Their eyes widen as the flour sticks to Wilbur, phil and techno ushering him away from the camera. Chat was going crazy from that.

Tubbo glares at Tommy, causing Tommy to give him a smug look as he goes through Twitter on his phone. Tubbo talks to Ranboo through texts and yes or no questions.

After thirty minutes they carefully take the cake out of the oven and check to see if it's done, it was. They let it cool as the get the frosting from the refrigerator. They already made a cake from scratch did you think they'd make frosting as well?

After five-ish minutes, they take the cakes out of the pans and frost them, tubbo adding sprinkles to 'add color'. Tommy just laughs at the mess of sprinkles all over the table, encouraging chat to make fun of him for the mess.

Tommy and tubbo take a slice and try it, nodding to each other as it doesn't taste half bad. They make a few more jokes, letting the ghosts subtlety move objects for the chat to see. And they did.

But before Tommy and tubbo could address them, they ended stream. Purposely leaving them in the dark, knowing it'll cause a ruckus on Twitter.

The ghosts get a slice of cake and begin to joke about the stream, tubbo being unusually quiet.

"Tubbo? Is something wrong big man?", tommy asks him quietly, but the ghost hearing anyway. He nods before looking at the ghosts.

"Do y'all want to be passed on?"

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