Chapter 10

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Dang, I didn't think this idea would last this long. Double Digits!!
-Thank you guys so much for 1K reads that's honestly insane! I didn't think would actually like my writing
—Question of the week! Sleep schedules okay? Cuz mine isn't!

Third Person POV
Tommy stayed in his room most of the day, only leaving to briefly eat or go to the bathroom. In doing this, he left tubbo in the dark about his dream, which was causing these actions. Tommy just wanted to think and decipher what his dream meant. Is that really how the ghosts died?

Tubbo was more then concerned for his friend, when tubbo caught Tommy out of his room, Tommy would just go back into it, causing tubbo to assume he did something wrong. Was Tommy upset that tubbo made him do the spirit box thing with him? Then why now and not yesterday?

Tubbo decided to try and make cookies, seeing as he loved to bake and Tommy always asked to try them, but was never over when he baked them. He just hoped this could cheer Tommy up and forgive him for whatever he did.

While Tommy was contemplating and tubbo was baking, the ghost were congregating. They were starting to doubt their decision in sharing the past with Tommy. They thought he'd handle it better. They assumed he was depressed from the news of how they passed, which was why he didn't want to be seen by tubbo.

"Do we know if he's even sad? What if he just needs a day to digest this information we just fed him?", Wilbur offered. Which was the answer, but the other two didn't seem convinced.

"Maybe we hold off on any ghost activities until he feels better", Phil purposed, he was worried the kids would leave, what if they scarred Tommy with such a vivid, detailed vision of their deaths.

"Who's idea was it to even share the past with the kid anyway?", Techno asked, he too was nervous the kid would leave. Both Phil and Wilbur looked at Techno, "Yours", they said at the same time. Techno threw his hands up in surrender, "sorry, it just seemed right".

"Let's just hope Wilburs right, they've only been here for a week and we already have one teen locked in his room", Phil sighs, blaming himself, he supported the idea to tell one of the kids and, they decided Tommy would be best.

Would Tubbo have taken the news better?


Tommy sat at his desk, twirling a pen in his hand, thinking; like he's been doing all day. Would this be easier if he told tubbo? Maybe, . . But what if the ghost don't want tubbo to know? Tubbo can be sensitive about things.

"..Heyo ghost?", Tommy finally asked. He couldn't see them, but someone dropped the pen off his desk, so he assumed one was here.

"Was that how you lot died?", he asked softly, not knowing if this was a sensitive topic. This made Phil, the ghost who showed up, smile.

Phil went to drop a notepad next, then got the idea to try and write on the pad instead. He picked up the pen and went to the open pad book and wrote a very shaky 'yes'. He usually has very nice handwriting, but after years of not writing, it takes its toll.

"Why did you show it to me?", Tommy asked, picking up the notepad, this thought had been plaguing his mind most of the day.

Phil wrote 'thought you should know' in the same shaking handwriting. Techno wanted to tell Tommy specifically because of the bond he created watching over Tommy. And after five years of no one knowing what happened, Phil thought at least someone should know.

Tommy nodded his head to the information, "Am I allowed to tell Tubbo?", he finally asks. Phil hesitated with this question. It's not that he didn't trust tubbo, it's just that the only reason they shared was because techno had suggested it.

Phil picked up the notepad, about to write 'yes', only for there to be a soft knock on the door, causing him to lose his focus and drop the pad.

"Come in?", Tommy answered the door, and when the door opened to reveal a somber tubbo with a plate of cookies, Tommy was taken aback, why was tubbo upset?

"Tubbo? What's wrong?", Tommy asked worriedly. Tubbo tilted his head at this, was Tommy not mad at him?

"I thought you were upset with me, so I made cookies", tubbo said, a question tone in his statement. Tommy's eyes widen, thats what tubbo thought was wrong with him?

"No no no no, I just had a lot on my mind! Tubbo you did nothing wrong! I have nothing to be mad at you for!", Tommy informs him, rather quickly.

"Oh.. then why did you ignore me all day?", tubbo asked, if Tommy had something on his mind, he usually told Tubbo. He got his answer when Tommy got the notepad back that said 'yes' to him wanting to tell tubbo.

And he did. He told tubbo about his vision of the house burning and seeing each of them die to the fire that was started by a simple error. Tubbo just say there, listening until Tommy had finished, the tears in Tommy's eyes refusing to fall.

Tubbo put the plate of cookies on the table and hugged Tommy, the way Tommy clung to tubbo telling him all he needed to know. This knowledge has taken its toll on Tommy.

That night, the boys stayed up watching movies and eating the cookies tubbo made, no one discussed Tommy's dream, and that was okay with both of them.

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