Chapter 18

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-Trust me, everything will be okay
-Question of the week! Do you watch anime, and if you do, what do you recommend? I'm currently watching Attack on Titan and Fruit Basket- would recommend!

Third Person POV
"Hey can you stay with Ranboo for a hour or two, I accidentally told Twitter I'd stream today and people really want me to", Tommy requested from tubbo. This was one of the only times they talked in almost a week and it makes both of them upset.

Tubbo turns and nods with a smile, before turning back to Ranboo, tubbo was learning about ranboos family. He still didn't know how he died, but was hoping to gain his trust soon to know.

Tommy nodded and left the room, going to his own to stream. He had the starting soon screen on and muted himself. "Hey techno", he called out. The pink outline appeared soon after, "can you keep watch, just in case one ranboos spells happen?", Tommy can see the slight nod of the outline and unmutes, talking to his stream.

Chat is spamming about the cooking and ghost hunting streams, but Tommy just dismisses them with an "ask tubbo chat". It wasn't his sub goal, so he didn't plan it.

An hour went by with no incidents, then two, and Tommy ended stream. It was a casual stream, just him playing on the SMP.

As he's shutting down OBS is when his door is creaked open. He jumps and looks back to the door to see a Ranboo, he can't tell if he's under the spell or not.

He quickly gets his answer when Ranboo stalks towards him, only to stop when techno gets infront of Tommy. Then footsteps are heard pounding towards the room, but Ranboo remains in his state.

A panting tubbo pushes the door open, "he went into a spell when I went into the hallway, I heard you ended stream and wanted to talk to you, but Ranboo didn't follow, I guess he went into a spell", tubbo explains, Ranboo awakes from his state and looks around him.

Tommy didn't look scared anymore, he just looked worried. Tubbo too, has a worried look, with techno being void of emotions on his face. Ranboo jumps into apologies, praying he didn't hurt Tommy.

Tommy just gives him a small smile and gets out of his desk chair and towards his bookshelf. He picks up a familiar book and begins to search for a page about these 'malevolent spells'.

Techno stays with Tommy, only Wilbur joins him. Phil was in the attic, he knew that techno was with Tommy and so he was safe. And he didn't have to worry about tubbo, so he took this time to get away to the attic.

Back with Tommy, he finds a page, and just sighs at the response. "Have you tried forgiving the driver?", he asks Ranboo. Tubbo looks between Tommy and Ranboo, how did Ranboo have the time to tell Tommy about his death without tubbo there? Why did Ranboo tell Tommy before him?

Ranboo sighs, "I can't forgive him, it wouldn't have happened if he'd just slowed down". Tommy nods before going back to reading, tubbo looks at Ranboo.

"How does Tommy know about your death, but I don't?", tubbo tried to get the sentence out without sounding envious. He didn't feel jealous, but how did they talk if Tommy can't be near Ranboo alone?

Ranboo sighs again, "it's a hard topic to talk about, it would be easier to show you but Tommy's the only one who can accept dreams", this causes both boys to look up at him, techno and Wilbur in the corner having their own conversation while also paying attention to the boys.

"What do you mean?", Tommy asks. Ranboo tilts his head at Tommy, confused. Does he not know?

"Ghosts can share how they died with you because you accept dreams? Isn't that how you found out about the other ghosts?", Ranboo asks Tommy. Tommy nods his head but still looks in disbelief, he didn't know only certain people could do that.

"But tubbos the medium? Why couldn't he accept them?", Tommy asks, tubbo also wanted the answer to that.

Ranboo shrugs, "you're the ones with the books, I just know that tubbo didn't have the ability to accept my memory, but you could so I shared them with you". Tommy looked at Ranboo like he was out of his mind, this didn't make sense.

Tubbo nods his head, "does that mean Tommy's a medium too?". Tommy turns to him, this just didn't make sense to him. He couldn't be anything special, he's just Tommy?

He get up and gets his other book, flipping through the pages. He stops when he apparently found the page he was looking for. He whispers a 'holy shit', before fully immersing himself into the book, almost forgetting about the other people in the room.

Tubbo smiles at the thought of Tommy also being a medium, they could do all kinds of spiritual stuff together! This makes him smile.

But then Tommy looks up at tubbo, "bro chats wanting the cooking and ghost hunting streams, they kept asking about it during the stream", then looks back at the book, biting his lip to hide his smile.

This smacks tubbo in the face, he forgot about those sub goals. He jumps up, "shit i forgot about that", before grabbing ranboos wrist and rushing out the room, causing Tommy and the ghosts to laugh as Ranboo looks to be asking for help.

Tommy could be a medium too, and this still shocks him.

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