Chapter 27

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-The boys are leaving, that means the book is ending very soon.
—Question of the week! Coffee or tea? I love both but coffee just a bit more
(I'm running out of questions)

Third Person POV
As Tommy packed his stuff he couldn't keep the burning in his eyes away. He'd already cried about leaving, he couldn't do it again.

Yet, when Wilbur walked in to check on him, he was greeted with the sight Tommy hunched over his suitcase, clothes still laying around the room, sobs wrecking his body. Wilbur was quick to be at his side, rubbing his back.

What surprised Wilbur was when Tommy flung himself at Wilbur in a hug. Wilbur had to focus very hard on both rubbing Tommys back and being solid enough for Tommy to hug him. But you'd be crazy to think he'd let Tommy go.

Techno soon joined the hug, along with Phil. Tommy hated being seen as a child, yet he didn't let go until much time had passed. The three ghosts stayed and helped Tommy pack the rest of his stuff.

Tubbo was handling the situation a lot better than Tommy was, as he wasn't nearly as close to the ghosts as Tommy was. He was still very upset, but he had ranboo to comfort him. Once he was done packing, he waited for Tommys mom to show up so he could put his stuff in the car. He went to check on Tommy, and saw that Phil, Wilbur, and techno were there with him, but he was done packing.

Tubbo smiles at Tommy as he stands up around the ghosts, and they hugged each other.

"So, Eret will be here in a week. Please be nice to him, but if you need anything or if you just miss us, you can try and use him to talk to us- wait, no, tell him to talk to us", Tommy corrected himself. This earned a chuckle from Phil, while techno huffed a laugh. Wilbur was too clouded with sadness to commit to a laugh.

The sound of tires stopping in front of the house, caused Tommy to stiffen, sadness clouding his eyes. Tubbo patted his back, then grabbed Tommys bag to give him more time with the ghosts.

"This is goodbye for now guys", Tommys hiccups out. He doesn't want to leave them. They all give him a small smile. Wilbur gives him a hug.

"You'll come back, if you don't we'll make Eret make you come back", Wilbur threatened.

"Yeah, any way we have to, we'll get to you, you should worry for Eret if you don't come visit", techno states, causing everyone to deadpan. Phil shakes his head as he puts a hand on technos shoulder.

"We'll miss you mate, and we'll try not to scare Eret and his crew away", Phil says, giving techno a pointed look, causing techno to put his arms up in surrender.

"Don't make promises for me", techno mutters loud enough for every one to hear but barely, causing even Tommy to crack up for a second. But it was gone moments later.

"I'll miss you guys so much, I wish I could take you guys with me like tubbo can ranboo", Tommy says, a sad smile on his face. There was a tinge of jealousy between the four that Tubbo gets to keep his ghost friend around but Tommy can't have his.

"We'll miss you too, child", Wilbur says to jab at him. Tommy was quick to throw swear words at him, making techno and Phil to burst out laughing. They would all miss this.

Tommy pulled them in for one last hug for he didn't know how long. He tightened his grip on them as tears once again started to fall from his eyes. He had to tear himself away from them, only to rub his eyes. They gave him a smile and guided him to the front door where his mother had apparently been yelling at him from.

He looked back at them before going at the door with his mom, tubbo was already in the car. He was holding the piglin plushie, probably a reminder that this whole experience wasn't just a crazy dream. He was also in the front seat, causing Tommy to groan. He made sure to knock on the window before going inside the car. He laughed when tubbo jumped.

As the car started, Tommy looked out the window, waving when he saw the ghosts from the windows in the house. They smiled and waved back before disappearing from the window.

Tommy sighs sadly before getting comfortable, trying to sleep the car ride away.

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