Chapter 26

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-I am. So tired. I just want sleep.
—Question of the Week! What's the longest you've stayed up for? I've stayed up for 36 hours at most!

Third Person POV
When Tommy woke up, he knew today was the day he had to fight Ranboo.

Not because he felt like it, but because he woke up by Ranboo throwing him out of bed.

His eyes were purple and he seemed to be speaking a language Tommy didn't know. 'Must be the language of the people in Ohio', Tommy thought before a wake up call hit him.

The wake up call being ranboos fist.

Never had Ranboo been so violent. Tommy backed away from him but didn't beg, no, he was too good for that. He would endure this, for tubbo.

For friendship with ranboo.


Ranboo advanced on him quickly, kicking him, punching, all the attacks.

It was only when Ranboo was choking Tommy that his eyes went back to their green and red norm. He looked dazed for a moment, before tensing up. His eyes became focus on Tommy, who he was currently on top of, choking.

He quickly took his hands from Tommy's neck and jumped off him. "I-I'm so sorry! Oh my gosh what have I done? Tubbo will never forgive me, I almost killed you!", the tangent continued until it was interrupted by a coughing fit from Tommy.

Tommy was in pretty bad shape; black eye, busted lip, bruises, cuts, all that ordeal. All from Ranboo.

Yet, when Ranboo looked to Tommy, he was smiling at him, "you're not attacking me anymore, are you?". Ranboo blinked at him before realizing that tubbo isn't near by. He had stopped attacking Tommy without someone intervening.

Ranboo hesitantly walked towards Tommy before the door slammed open. "Where the fuck is my little brother", come wilburs voice, before Ranboo was violently pushed away from Tommy by techno.

Ranboo backed away from Tommy, who seemed to be having trouble keeping his head up. He was worried he would start attacking again, so he fled. But tubbo wasn't home it seemed.

He stopped panicking for a moment when he heard Tommy trying to calm down wilbur and techno. He sounded pretty desperate even calling them 'Wilby and Techie'.

"This needed to happen! You wanted to help fix mine and tubbos friendship? This was how!", he coughs but continues talking, "this was the only way to get him to stop, he had to release the angry another way! Tubbo and I talked about this and that's why tubbo left after summoning him!". He only stopped talking to cough again.

Ranboo went to the kitchen and focused really hard to get a class of water to Tommy. As an apology, and because he cares.

He silently walked in and gave Tommy the glass of water, which got him an appreciative look, along with two glares.

For a brief moment he wondered where phil was, but that was quickly gone when he noticed the two ghosts advancing towards him. Ranboo tried to disappear, but couldn't. He started to panic again, but Tommy stumbled in front of him.

"Listen, you cannot blame Ranboo for this, if it had gotten too bad I would've called for help. This needed to happen", Tommy said it with such assertiveness, everyone paused. Wilbur sighs, a look of sadness before he leaves. Techno floats to Tommy and checks the damage. He too then sighs.

Wilbur comes back slowly with a medkit and together techno, Wilbur and ranboo cleaned up Tommys injuries. Not without complaint of course, Tommy doesn't like being treated like a child.

But, when they were done, Tommy gave them a bright smile, so bright that wilbur and techno couldn't stay mad at ranboo, who would apologize every time Tommy hissed from pain.

This forgiveness couldn't shadow the sadness in the house though, the time in the house was almost up.

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