A Ghosts' Story

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This story is based on a true story, please keep an open mind.

This book is dedicated to the friends I lost- Phil, Wilbur, and Techno.

     In the summer of 2021, two friends decided to move into a house for the summer of their final school year. To get the taste of freedom before having it. The boys wanted to have the experience together, being best friends.

They didn't know just how important this house would be to them in the end. Weren't prepared for what was to come.

Unknown to them, there was a family of ghosts there, a father and his two sons that died in a tragic house fire. They were stuck there as their deaths were too traumatic to move on from.

There was the father; Phil, the boys would soon learn his name was, who was a good father to those who weren't even his sons. He would treat the boys as if they were his own. Not protested by his actual sons, who see the boys as their brothers.

One of the sons, Wilbur, was a brilliant guitarist, but that wasn't were his talents ended. He was well skilled in many instruments and would teach such instruments to the boys one day. He was also a wonderful singer, able to put emotion into anything he sang.

The other son, Techno, was a skilled fighter. Not only could he fence, but also trained in the martial arts. He taught one of the boys how to fence, drawing them closer together.

One of the boys was more open minded then the other, wanting to explore the idea of ghosts in the house, but this scared the other. Yet, he agreed to help prove the ghosts, knowing it would make the other happy.

He is so happy he agreed.

It was through this experience, where the ghosts actually talked to them through a device called a spirit box, that the boys knew there was actual paranormal activity at play. A spirit box is an object that emits high frequencies that allows ghosts to communicate through.

The ghosts started to show themselves to the boys, helping them around the house and causing mischief. These bonding moments lead to the ghosts forming bonds with the boys. A bond made from a ghost is binding. It is a protection and made the ghosts closer the person they bonded with. These bonds were made with all the ghosts to both boys.

One day, the ghosts decided to share how they passed, they shared it to one of the boys that was a dream medium, but didn't know it at the time. A dream medium is a person who is vulnerable to have visions sent by ghosts in their dreams.

The ghosts had died in a tragic accident, a fire started by their stove being left on by one of the ghosts. It wasn't the ghosts intention to kill his family and he lived with the guilt until the boys helped ease his pain. The father was locked in his room, praying for his sons to be okay, the first son was left with no choice but to jump out the window, paralyzing him as the roof fell on him, and finally the son who accidentally started the fire, he was crushed by the roof, last to die as he heard his brother and fathered screamed in pain.

This was hard to process for the boy they showed, but he learned to be able to move past it to help them move on.

To help cope he found books in the attic of the house that had information on ghosts and mediums, which lead to the knowledge of the other boy being a medium as well. He could summon ghosts to him, which lead to meeting a ghost who attached himself to a piglin plush the boy owned, named Ranboo.

Ranboo was special in the sense of he died angry, but happy. This made him have aggression spells, which he would attack the boy who didn't own the plush. This became a problem for the boys, causing space to enter their friendship. The ghosts could tell this was hurting the boys, so they locked them in a room together to solve their issues. They used this time to find a way to fix Ranboo. The conclusion wasn't a peaceful one, it was to let the ghost get his aggression out on the boy. For the friendship, he agreed.

The ghost Ranboo attacked the boy, causing damage before he got the aggression out. He awake and was horrified with himself, but wasn't the only one. The three other ghosts saw what happened and were upset with the injuries on a boy they saw as their own family. But the boy refused to let them do anything to the ghost Ranboo. Soon everything was explained and forgiven.

We all know how Ranboo exists, with the attachment of the plush that one of the boys owned, what of the other ghosts? Well, the father was attached to a hat he always wore, one son was attached to his guitar, and the other one was attached to his fencing sword. How did they survive the fire? When the family died, the attachment repaired the items. But that doesn't mean they could leave the house. Because of the tragic death, they were trapped at the place of their deaths.

Of course, the boys would only be staying there for the summer, so when the time came that they had to move, they convinced a friend to move into the house. This allowed them to stay in contact with their ghost friends.

After years, finally the ghost were ready to leave. The boys had turned into men in the time, with families of their own, and the ghosts wanted to free them of the responsibility of them.

The ritual to help pass them on was an intense one, involving an out of body experience, as well as memory flashing. For more information, check the back of the book.

During the ritual, the bonds the ghosts formed with the boys was broken, leaving them with a feeling of emptiness for years after the ritual. And to take their minds off losing their friends, they went to a thrift store. There, one of the boys found a cow plush, which held the spirit of a young boy named Henry. He treated this ghost as a son, and his own boys grew up with him as a brother.

That is the experience of Tommy and Tubbo, ghosts extraordinaire.

Special thanks to Eret, Ranboo, and Henry.


-And that's it. This is the official end to 'A Ghosts' Story'.

I really hope you enjoyed the book, I had an amazing time writing this. I loved reading the comments of everyone and seeing the support of so many people! I never thought this book would get so much attention and I'm so happy I could make so many peoples days better with my writing!

I have more books in the work, though I don't know if they'll be as good as this one, but expect some bedrock duos and golden duos in the future!

Until next time, I love you all and good night!

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