Chapter 8

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Ghosty boys are scared of fire
-Question of the week! What's your favorite game? Mines either Stardew Valley or Minecraft.

Third Person POV
Tommy and Tubbo were a bit tired from streaming after just moving into the house, they forgot a key detail. The ghosts died in a fire.

So when they wanted to make lunch, it required the gas-burner stove. Tommy was to get the stove running while tubbo prepared the food.

So when Tommy turned the nob to start the fire, it went out just as fast as it went on. This confused Tommy, so he tried the other burner, only for the same thing to happen, the room temperature dropping quickly. "Aye tubbo! I don't think the ghosts want us to be cooking with fire", Tommy yells to tubbo, who was just across the room.

"That'd make sense, actually, I think they died in a fire", tubbo responded, much quieter because again, they were in the same room.

What they couldn't see was a ghost standing right beside the stove, ready to extinguish any flame it could produce. This ghost felt responsable for the fire that killed his family, and would be damned if he let another one kill these boys. Even if the ghost didn't particularly like these boys, he still didn't want them to have the same fate he did.

His family told him multiple times that the fire wasn't his fault and that there wasn't anyone to blame, still he felt at fault. He knew he should've checked the stove before going to bed, as he was the one to cook that night. But he thought he turned it off and continued his night.

"Son, you gotta let them cook, how are they going to eat if they can't cook?", the ghosts father asks him.

"They don't have to cook", the ghost replies, his tone just as monotoned as usual. He heard his father sigh before patting him on the shoulder.

"You need to realize that the fire wasn't your fault, anyone could have made that mistake. Here- what if you let them cook and then if things go south, you can extinguish the fire", his father- Phil, suggests. The ghost knew he was right, so he sighed and turned the stove burner on.

"Tommy! The stove is on! I think the ghost is letting us cook", tubbo exclaimed to Tommy. Tommy whirled to the stove and sure enough, it was on.

"Hey Techno, before I go. Do you think they can cook a grilled cheese better than Gordon Ramsey?", Phil joked, Techno sighing and just continuing to watch the burner.

Tommy and tubbo continued cooking, being careful so the ghosts didn't feel threatened, and after a while, made lunch. It was a simple dish of grilled cheese sandwiches, as these are sixteen year olds.

After eating they made sure to turn the stove off and decided to play Minecraft together. They haven't played together off stream in a while and wanted to start a new world.

A ghost was a watching the boys play with a soft smile on his face. Minecraft has been around for a long time, the ghost was once a streamer as well, and would stream Minecraft mini games. He was especially good at the pvp aspect of Minecraft, his chat often chanting; Blood for the Blood God.

They really knew how to get a persons ego high. But now every time he thinks of the slogan, he cringes a bit, thinking about the family he killed- his family he killed.


After a while of playing Tommy decided it was time to go to bed, going to the bathroom to brush his teeth. As he's brushing his teeth, he senses a presence behind him, almost like a feeling of energy. He looks up to the mirror, looking to the reflection of the mirror to see a male.

Said male had long pink hair, a white shirt with a crown on it, and pink pajama pants with little pig faces on them. An overall very weird outfit to be matched with the stoic face of the male.

But when Tommy turned around to see if he was real, the ghost vanished, but stayed in the reflection. This freaked Tommy out a bit, but he ultimately just went with it, nothing he could do about a reflection.

"Which one are you", Tommy asked, barely heard because of the toothbrush still in his mouth. He spit and looked at the ghost expectantly.

The ghost seemed hesitant to talk, whether to Tommy or at all was unknown to Tommy, and seemed to wave off any fear, "I'm techno", the ghost said, very monotoned. The deep voice that seemed void of any emotion startled Tommy.

Techno? So far they'd only heard of Phil and Wilbur, so techno must of been the brother that had the sword. "Well, ello techno, I'm going to bed now, night", Tommy said, dismissing the ghost that will more then likely plague his mind tomorrow. For now though, Tommy was left to his own thoughts, no longer distracted by Minecraft. And there was always a reoccurring thought that just kept his mind occupied;

How did the fire start that killed these people?

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