Chapter 16

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-IM SORRY RANBOO!! It hurts me just as much T^T
—At this point, updates are random, sorry for being late!!
—-Question of the week! What is your dream job? I hope to be a therapist!

Third Person POV
It was just any other day in Ohio. Ranboo was walking with his family around the town, enjoying the sun. His family consisted of his mom and dad, along with two younger brothers, one fourteen, the other ten.

It was an especially sunny day, so they decided to go for a walk. They were heading to the ice cream shop so they had to wait for the crosswalk. When the light let them go his brother ran, not even looking both ways.

Then time slowed.

Ranboo looked to his left and saw a car speeding towards his brother, they were going to hit him.

But the light is red, he should be slowing down, why isn't he slowing down.

Ranboo decides to push his brother out of the way, but there wasn't enough time to get himself to safety.

The pain he felt was excruciating. He felt the car hit him full speed. He felt every bone in his body start to break as the momentum of the car forced him to slam to the ground.

His last thoughts were; at least my brothers safe and why didn't he stop?


Tommy jolted awake. He's been through this before, but why would Ranboo show him how he died? Why not tubbo? Tubbo was the medium.

He looked around and flinched when he saw Ranboo in the corner, tubbo must not be asleep yet, but then why is Ranboo not with him?

Ranboo floats to him, notepad in hand and shows the page. 'Sorry'.

Tommy looked at him, then around the room, technos not here anymore. 'He can't protect me'.

Tommy, a bit nervous, nods his head at the apology, not saying a word. So far noises have been things to set Ranboo off. Part of Tommy knows that this isn't Ranboo fault, the attacks. Tommy has a theory, he just gets scared of Ranboo when he's not in control.

Ranboo sighs in relief, he doesn't want Tommy to be upset with him. He doesn't know much about Tommy, but first impressions are out the window. So Ranboo had an idea.

Ranboo hands the notepad to Tommy, on it there are words, 'do you know how to stop me,'. Tommy seemed to have at least some knowledge about the spiritual world. There's a reason Ranboo could only share his story with Tommy.

But Tommy didn't know that, Tommy thought Ranboo was sharing because he felt bad for attacking him. So, to honor this, Tommy tried to think back to the book and the new details from what Ranboo shared with him.

"Um.. it could be because you died in a heroic way, but with hate in your heart? That sounds stupid.. but umm ghost can sometimes have malevolent spells overtake them, sometimes with no tigger, and attack the nearest living person. And since you're attached to tubbo.. that leaves me to be attacked when you're overcome by this spell", Tommy explains, his voice quieting the closer he got to finishing his explanation. It now made sense to Tommy, he guessed this was the case after figuring out Ranboo didn't remember his outbursts.

Ranboo was horrified. He couldn't even remember attacking Tommy and with no tiggers, he could just up and attack Tommy at any point in time, with no cause. He didn't want to hurt anyone, especially someone who's important to tubbo.

"Don't worry about it Ranboo, you can't help it, I'll try to figure out a way to end these spells, til then try to keep with tubbo. You won't go into a spell with the presence of the person you're attached to around. Speaking of which, is he asleep? It's pretty late and you're still here", Tommy asked, even though he knows it's not ranboos fault, he's still a little cautious with his words around Ranboo.

Ranboo holds the pad up and started to write, he would've talked but he spent a lot of energy talking earlier and couldn't muster the energy to talk and be present. After all, he was here while tubbo was asleep.

'Tubbo asleep, you needed how I died to help me', sure the sentence was butchered but Tommy got the gist. "This must be taking a lot of energy, you should go back to your realm to save energy to talk to tubbo tomorrow", Tommy says, an almost sad smile on his face, but he could easily say it's from exhaustion.

Ranboo nodded and de-summoned himself. With him gone, Tommy's smile slowly faded, he was happy for tubbo to have a ghost friend. But this has been the longest Tommy's ever been without a full conversation with tubbo in months- and it's only been three days.

Tommy huffed at himself, he's not clingy and he wasn't about to start being clingy because tubbo made another friend, tubbos allowed to have friends, he isn't tied to Tommy. Still, Tommy couldn't help but feel sad at the thought that ranboo could replace him. Tubbos a medium now, he could summon all the ghosts he wants and easily forget Tommy.

Tommy goes to sleep, fully prepared to have a repeat of yesterday, of tubbo only talking to Ranboo and Ranboo inevitably attacking him.

He's probably going to have to take a break from streaming until he can help Ranboo with his spells.

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