Chapter 99-parents

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My detox has been hard but it hasn't been too hard. When I slept with Stefan I woke up screaming because I felt the bugs on me. I know there wasn't any bug but that's what happens when your body is going through a detox. I am finally able to down food now without having to throw up but I cant eat much. I'm getting better, one step at a time.

"Stefan" I said

We were laying on the couch

"Yeah" he said

"Umm can we go somewhere?" I asked

"Sure, where?" He asked

"To see my parents" I replied

"Oh, ok sure" he replied

"Do you want to meet them?" I asked

"Only if you're comfortable, I don't want to push you" he said

"No, no I think I'm ready. I want you to meet them either if it is not physically but still" I replied

"Ok, let's do it" he said

"Ok" I replied

We got ready and headed to the graveyard.

"You ready?" I asked

"Yes" he said

"Ok" I said

We got out of the car and Stefan grabbed the flower. We headed to their tombstone.

"Hey mom, hey dad. It's good to see you again" I said

"Remember the guy I talked about last time, well I wanted you guys to meet him." I said

"Hello mr and Mrs whitmor, I'm stefan. It's a pleasure to meet you" he said

I know it's awkward for him because he's talking to a gravestone but I know they are here with us right now listening

He set down the flowers.

"I wanted to let you know I relapsed recently but Stefan was there to help me. He has been there for me since I was 19. I'm doing better though, and I relapsed because I had a miscarriage. I found out that not only my body can't handle having a kid but I am infertile. Luckily I have some eggs left so I'm going to freeze them" I said

"I don't understand how I'm like this, when you had 6 kids mom" I said with a dry laugh

"I know this isn't how i want to get pregnant but at least it will be planned, and it won't affect my modeling career much" I said

"That reminds me I'm on a magazine and I'm doing really good in the industry. I've been working hard and getting where I want to be, oh and dad don't worry I didn't abandon basketball, I play whenever I can but it's not so often. I can also another scar to the list but it's pretty much covered, it's on my forehead" I said

"That was my bad, we were messing with each other and I pushed her in the water and when she got up she slipped and hit her head, luckily it wasn't a big injury but now I know never to mess with her" Stefan replied

"It wasn't his fault, the whole day we were pranking each other" I replied

"Mr and Mrs whitmore, your daughter is an amazing girl. She's so talented and her personality is everything. She sometimes like to fall back into her old past but she's strong and pushed right out of it. You have taught her well and you should be very proud of her. I know you guys are up there very proud of her" he said

"Thank you" I said

Him and I sat and talked some more and headed out. It felt good to see my parents again and I was happy Stefan met them.

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