Chapter 12-First day of college

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It is now August 14, school was starting tomorrow. I was nervous, very nervous.

I was starting school in a new state, I mean not new state but no one knew me, they knew Lexi whitmore but now Anastasia rose.

"I'm nervous" I said to lizzie. She was across from me on the other couch.

"Me too, what if the professors are bad" she said

"I know, I hate going to a new school" I whined

I really did, I mean it's new for everyone.

"Have you picked an outfit" Lizzie asked

"Nope, but gotta make a good impression. It's New York and we go to a fashion school. Everyone gonna look tomorrow" I replied

"True, true. I haven't either" she said

"Let's go find some now" I replied

We went to my closet, and we found my outfit pretty fast. Then we went to lizzie's closet, and she took a bit longer but we found her outfit.

"Tomorrow will be interesting" I said

"Yup" she replied

It was 8:00pm and we made homemade pizza. We ate the pizza and I answered couple emails.

Good luck for tomorrow-Jackson

Aww thank you baby-stassie

From that day Jackson and I admitted we liked each other, him and I have been on more dates and have been hanging out a lot. Whenever we hang out it's usually outdoor, or it's when none of his roommates are there. If they did come in usually Jackson would make me leave.

I smell jealousy

Are you excited-Jackson

Yeah, but nervous-stassie

Don't be, everyone will love you-Jackson

Yeah but it's competitive-stassie

You will outshine them, don't worry-Jackson

What if I can't handle modeling and college-stassie

You will, don't worry. Either if you don't you can take a step back from modeling and continue college-Jackson

Modeling is my career, I wouldn't step back from it. I would step back from college-stassie

You can get your degree and get a job-Jackson

Does he not believe this is an actual job

Jackson this is a job, I work hard and get payed-stassie

You know what I mean-Jackson

No I don't know what you mean, please go ahead and elaborate-stassie

Am I being a bitch, maybe

But if he doesn't believe what I do for a living is a job, then I don't know if I want to be him.

You're just wearing a bunch of clothes, and walking down a runway or taking photos-Jackson

My job is to show pieces that wonderful hardworking designers put their soul into. I strut down and long runway, making sure I walk correctly, back straight, arm not being too stiff. You may thing there's not much to it but there is a lot. This is my job it is what I do for a living-stassie

He doesn't understand how much work and effort is put into this. I decided not to respond to him and put my phone away.

I walked out of my room and went to talk to lizzie. I tell lizzie everything, not every single detail but things she should know

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