Chapter 73-Flashback

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Andrew's p.o.v.

When Lexi stormed out I wanted to run after her but I didn't. I didn't know she would react this way, I didn't even know she found out till today. We should have told her before but this is why we didn't. Our father only made the deal because we were in debt and needed help.

I just got her back and was able to talk to her and I already messed up. This family is a mess and it's all because of dad and Aidan.

When I first got the call I was shocked, I didn't know she would ever want to talk to me again let alone meet me. I went to where she told me and waited. Soon enough she came and she looked the same but more mature, she wasn't 18 anymore she was 22.

When she told me about the contract and started asking questions about it, I knew she found out, but who told her. I wanted to explain it but she wouldn't let me talk. I wish she found out on better terms, or coming from one of us. I wanted to talk to one of my brothers about this but I wasn't going to tell them about Lexi.

God why did this happen

Maggie Valentino p.o.v.

November 11,1998

Alexis is 2 months and 2 days old and she's an angel. She sleeps through the night and barely wakes up during her naps and when she sleeps, unlike the boys who would always cry and wake up. There were a few people who have come over to meet baby Alexis like my parents, Robert's parents and one of Robert's friend named Christian. Robert said Christian was a very good friend but it didn't seem like it.

I checked on Alexis and she was still asleep and I checked on the boys to tuck them in.

"Lights out boys you know the drill" I said going into Andrew and Ace's room

"5 more minutes" Ace whined

"Sorry bud, but I let you stay up last night. You know the rules" I replied

"Fine" he said

I tucked them in and gave them a goodnight kiss.

I turned on their nightlight

"Goodnight boys I love you, sweet dreams" I said

"Goodnight mommy" they said

I closed the door and next went to Aidan's room.

"Hey buddy" I said

"Hi mommy" he said

His bedtime was 15 minutes later because he was older

"What book are you reading?" I asked

"Magic treehouse" he replied

"Wow, thats so cool" I said

"Yeah, I'm almost done" he said

"Ok, well finish up you have 10 more minutes, did you brush your teeth?" I asked

"Yes" he replied

"Let me see" I said

He opened his mouth and I checked and he did

"Good boy" I said

I read the book with him for ten more minutes then it was time for him to sleep

"Ok bud time to sleep" I told him

"Ok" he replied

Aidan was my little helper, he would help me with Jaden and Ryan and Lexi. The others helped too but he helped the most.

I tucked him in then turned on the night light.

"Good Aidan I love you. Sweet dreams" I said

"Goodnight mommy" he said

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