Chapter 88-He is not picking up the phone

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I woke up to the buzzing on my bed. I looked around, and saw my phone on the bed, I grabbed it and didn't even bother looking at the caller I.D.

"Hello" I said groggy

"Stassie, did I wake you up?" He asked

It was Stefan

I looked over to the table next to me, it was 4am.

"No I've been up" I lied

"What time is it there?" He asked

"4am" I replied

"I did wake you up, I'm sorry. I was busy last night and I couldn't answer your call" he said

"It's okay, I couldn't really sleep much, but are you okay?" I asked

"Yeah, just stressed out. Tonight it's suppose to go down I just want to make sure everything goes smoothly." He replied

"Shit that's tonight. You have to be careful" I said

"I will, I'm wearing a bulletproof vest, I'm fully loaded, I will be okay. I promise" he said

"You better because I swear to god Stefan if you're not-

"I promise, now go back to bed. I'll call you before I head out. I don't know if I'll call you later tonight but I will call you today" he said

"Ok, I love you" I replied

"I love you too Cherie" he replied

I hung up the phone and tried going back to bed.

Today was the day everything was going down. Soon after thinking for a while, I fall back asleep.

I woke up to Julia waking me up for breakfast

"Come on, we have an hour left. There food here is amazing" she said

"What time is it?" I asked

"Almost 11, now come on" she said grabbing my arm and dragging me out of bed.

I got up from the floor and went in the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I threw on some random top and shorts and grabbed rocky's leash.

"Ok let's go" I said

We went downstairs and got breakfast.

"Did stefan call you back?" Julia asked

"Yeah, he called at 4am" I said

"He forgot about the time zone" Julia said

"Yeah, did he call you?" I asked

I took a bite from my waffles and it was amazing.

"Yeah he called me in the morning" she replied

"That's good, he said he will try calling later today but you know, he might not be able to" I replied

"Yeah, but lets not worry, I know Stefan and he is strong and will make sure we are okay" she replied

"Will he be okay though?" I questioned

I already lost my family, I wasn't loosing him either.

"He will be, he's strong and won't back down. He will be fine. Don't worry" she said

"Ok I'll try" I replied

After breakfast, we went back upstairs and changed into swimsuits. I found out rocky is allowed at the beach so I took him with us.

We spent the day at the beach again, it was really fun but my mind kept thinking back to Stefan and if he's okay. We got dinner and headed back to the room.

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