Chapter 78-Catching up

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I woke up the next day with a massive hangover. I don't remember much besides Stefan saying he can't make it to dinner, then going clubbing with Zach and Lizzie.

I grabbed my phone and checked it, it was almost 1 in the afternoon. I got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed medicine and water and drank it. I went to the office and see if Stefan was in there, luckily he was.

"You're awake" he said

"Yeah, do you remembered what happened last night?" I asked

"Well Zach dropped you off, then you told me that I'm never home and I replied with that you weren't home either and you told me you signed with IMG" he said

Shit, that was still suppose to be a surprise

I groaned

"That was suppose to be a surprise" I said

"Well I wish I was able to find out at dinner, which I'm sorry by the way. I had so much work and my dad on top is stressing me out and keep pressuring me to do better" he said

"Does he not see that you're doing amazing, you focus on work and we can talk about my new agency another day" I replied

"No we've barely had a conversation in the past week. Now tell me about what happened and everything" he said

"Well Kathy called me in to tell me news. She told me that IMG wanted to recruit me and I agreed. I told Kathy how much this meant and everything then went to the IMG office and met with Janelle. She told me how things run and I signed the contract. I'm officially a IMG model" I said

"I'm so happy for you stassie, that's a big deal. When I'm done with work and we are in France we are going to celebrate, I promise" he said

"I'll hold that against you" I replied

Skip to December 19

I was on my way to a cafe to meet with Jenna who's bringing Lucas and james. I was very nervous because I don't know how they would react. Lucas found out from Jenna and James and not me. I sent the letters only to James and Jenna and not Lucas.

We are 10 minutes away-Jenna

I just reached the cafe and sat down at a table. I waited until I saw jenna step out of the cab. I saw two other people. Jenna waved at me, I waved back

My nerves are out of control.

James and Lucas were a bit confused

They all walked towards me

"Jenna good to see you again" I said hugging her

"You too" she said

"Lucas, James it's good to see you again" I said

"Have we met before?" Lucas asked

"Yes, we grew up together" I said acting like nothing ever happened

"Lexi?" James questioned

"Yes" I said

They both engulfed me in a hug. I felt so relieved, I didn't know know what they would think.

"Why, how, what the fuck" Lucas said hitting my arm

"Ow bitch, let me explain" I said

"I left when I was 18 due to my brothers. They tried stopping me from what I wanted to do. I had to get away and luckily I had money from my trust fund and modeling. I wanted to tell you but in trust my brothers and I didn't want you guys to get hurt. The day I saw you guys at the graduation I wanted to tell you, I really did but I couldn't. I couldn't risk it" I said

My New Identity (editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora