Chapter 8-Rocky get back here

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I finally landed and went straight back to my house. I reached inside and I put my bag down and went straight to my room. I turned on my fan and slid into bed and passed out.

I woke up still tired but better than before. It was 2pm, I got up and made myself some food

"Rocky" I said when I saw him outside my door. I went to the kitchen and put some bread in the toaster. I grabbed rocky's leash and took him on a walk. After the walk I came back, and made avocado toast. I ate the toast and went to take a bath because my body was sore. I added epsom salt and then waited till it fully filled.

After it filled I took my clothes off, turned on my relaxing music and went in the bath. The water was hot and it felt amazing. My muscles were sore, especially my feet. After soaking my body for almost an hour I finished up with a shower and stepped out. I put on my comfy pajamas and sat on my bed with rocky and watched a movie.

"IM HOME" Lizzie yelled

"I'm in my room" I yelled back

"Paulina invited us over" she said

"Nooo, I'm too tired. Go without me" I replied

"No, come on it's gonna be fun" she said

"No, I just got back and I'm too tired" I replied

"Fine, but we will miss you" she replied

"Tell them I say hi" I replied

"Will do" she said

She left my room and I went back to watching Netflix.

Rocky kept whining so I know he needed to go outside to use the bathroom. I grabbed his leash, and  headed outside.

I wasn't really paying attention and not holding rockys leash so tight. Next thing I know the leash isn't in my hand and rocky is running towards the middle of the street.

"ROCKY" I yelled

I started running towards rocky. He was about to run in the middle of the street but someone caught him before

"Omg thank you so much" I said

"This one loves to run" the guy said

"Yeah, he is very fast" I replied

"What's his name?" He asked

"Rocky" I replied

"Ohh, what a fun name." He said

"Yeah, thank you so much umm?" I asked

"Jackson" he said

"Hi Jackson I'm Anastasia, but people call me stassie" I replied

"Wow, I don't know anyone with that name" he said

"Yeah, it's not as common here in New York" I replied

"Are you from here?" He asked

"Yeah, born and raised. What about you?" I asked

"Just moves for college" he said

"Where are you going?" I asked

"Columbia" he said

"Wow, very prestige" I replied

"What about you?" He asked

"Fashion institute of technology" I replied

"Ohh so you're into fashion" he replied

"Yeah, I guess you can say" I replied

Jackson got a text message

"Hey I gotta run, but it was nice meeting you stassie" he said

"You too, here let me give you my snap. I can show you around New York" I replied

"Yeah, that would great" he said

I gave him my snap

"Bye rocky and stassie" he said

"Bye" I replied

I held on rocky's leash and went home. I opened the door and went inside. I gave rocky and treat and went back to my bed.

The house was very quiet without Lizzie. I was getting hungry, and I was very bored so I grabbed my speaker, put on my music and made myself dinner. I was jamming out in my T-shirt and shorts and making myself some chicken. I finished making dinner and headed back to the couch and watched movies.

"I'm back" Lizzie said

"In the family room" I said

She walked in and sat on the other couch

"How was paulinas?" I asked

"Fun, we missed you though" she said

"Next time I'll go" I replied

"What about you anything fun?" She asked

"Besides the fact I got this cute guys snap, nothing much" I replied

"Wait hold on, you got someone's snap on the street. What if he a perv or a druggie or something" she said

"First of all he wasn't any of those type, secondly he caught rocky before he could run in the middle of the street. He said he was new to New York so whenever he's free I'm gonna show him around" I replied

"Let me see a picture" she said

I might have looked up his Instagram

I pulled up his Instagram and showed a picture

"Damn he's cute and smart. He goes to Columbia" she replied

"I know, a win win" I replied

"He better have a good personality, remember personality over looks" she said

"Yes mom I know" I replied

"See if he has any cute friends" she said

"Ok" I replied

"Did you know we start school in 2 weeks" she said

"Oh god, I didn't realize it's so soon. Hopefully I can manage modeling and college, if not I might drop out of college" I replied

"Me too, especially if my career is doing really good" she said

"Yeah, I can't wait till we do Fashion week. I've always dreamt of doing it" I said

"Me too, soon though. September is when it starts so hopefully we will get a call" she said

"My birthday will either if good or bad then" I said

"You're birthday gonna be amazing no matter if we go or not" she said

"Hopefully" I replied

"I'm gonna go to bed, goodnight" she said

"Goodnight" I replied

I didn't realize school was starting soon and fashion week was coming back soon. I needed to get back into shape and be ready for everything. I know it's gonna be hard to maintain both but hopefully I can do both. My dream is to go to Paris fashion week and work with the top model in the world. I've always dreamt to be one of them

Maybe I will

Only time will tell


Hey guys, sorry for not posting in a bit. My school has started again and I've been busy with work so I won't be able to upload daily. Sorry if this chapter is boring it's more of a filler. I hope you liked this chapter, I'll see you next time byeeee

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