Chapter 92-Im the boss

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I finished my last pill for birth control 3 days ago. So far no bleeding. I stocked up on a bunch of stuff I needed. I got tampons, pads, chocolate, ice cream, heating pads and a bunch of junk food. Janelle is going to hate me because I am not eating healthy.

"So far no period?" He asked

"Nope" I replied

"Any sign?" He questioned

"Nope, usually I'm moody and like to crave" I replied

"Ok, so far so good" he said

"Yup" I replied

Janelle scheduled a shoot for the 17th, if I have my period during that day I will be screwed. Janelle will hate me plus it would look bad on my end.

My appointment for the implant is March 24th since that's the only available time. So I have to go to Paris on March 12th. I have my doctors appointment tomorrow and I have to get blood work done and I hate needles so much. You think that me being stabbed, had multiple iv's in my arm, had stitches, and broken bones I would be able to handle needles. Needles terrify me, and getting blood drawn freaks me out.

"Don't forget your doctors appointment tomorrow" he said

"I know, I won't, but can you take me" I asked

"Sorry baby I can't, I have a meeting" he replied

"Ok thats fine" I replied

"If I'm done early I'll pick you up" he said

"Ok" I replied

Let's hope I don't faint.

The next day

I was on my way to the doctors office. It was going to be a normal checkup with blood work.

I reached the doctors office, time to get checked up

"Hi I'm here to see dr. Warner" I said

"Ok, name?" The receptionist asked

"Anastasia rose" I replied

"Ok, fill out these papers" she said handing me a clipboard

"Ok thank you" I replied

I filled out the paper then gave it back

"Ok, she will be right with you" she said

"Thank you" I replied

I sat down waiting for my name to be called.

"Anastasia rose?" Someone called

"That's me" I said getting up

"Hi I'm nurse maggie. We will check your weight, height, and blood pressure" she said

"Ok" I replied

We checked everything and then headed to a room.

"Ok, change into this and the doctor should be right with you" she said

"Thank you" I replied

I changed into the gown and waited for the doctor.

I went on my phone for a bit then heard a knock

"Come in" I said

"Hi Anastasia" She asked

"Hi doctor Warner" I replied

"Ok, so you're here for a checkup" she asked

"Yes" I confirmed

"Ok, let's get started" she said

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