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It matters not how we complete our task....

Only that it's done


Ripples formed in the water as his fingers brushed them lightly, his reflection; barely vivid stood out abruptly in the colorless liquid. His dimples could be seen as he sucked in his cheeks lightly.

The faint chirping of birds echoed in the sky, each of their melody resonating with the other one and with every second the song got louder.

The song of birds

He gazed upwards while still in his crouched state, the birds had formed a clique at the end of a tree fifteen steps away from him lost in their world of music. The world that seemed so familiar to him, one that he found solace in.

As Levi got up from his crouched state, the little creatures seeing his movement flapped their wings in simultaneous motion and were gone in the blink of an eye.

What a shame?

He had only just risen to join in the melody with his instrument. He had guessed that the creatures would fly away and they did just that scattering like ashes being blown away.

He smirked as he was far from harmful at least not to them but that they would never know because in this game they were the prey and he just happened to be of a different specie therefore being labeled the predator.

His flute laid not far away from him, it shone wickedly under the rays of sunlight that garnered on the horizon peering in between the conjoined branches trying to touch the biosphere. The trees blocked much of the sunlight which left the earth fresh and warm, warm like the freshly brewed malt still in the pot.

The wind made rustling sounds at his left then brushed past him fluttering his long white hair that had been packed in a pony tail.

In that little moment, he felt something that he hadn't felt in a long time.
A memory that had been locked away in him for so long, it had him shutting his eyes for a minute and when he opened them back, he remembered.

The last time he had felt such was when he was little and out in the forest with his Father. They had gotten up early that morning and his Father who had promised him few times took him out to a vast area, away from the palace grounds. There they turned into their wild, a camouflage for their kind. The feel of the earth on their paws and the wind on their furs was enough to compliment the serenity of that moment. The view that lay in front of them was one they  couldn't trade for anything as they stood at the shores of a brook.

Their paws dug into the dirt only to come up with mud as the rains had poured its frustration on the earth the previous night.

They ran for a long time, with him trying to beat his Father at their little game and his Dad just running as he normally would. Levi was behind his Dad and tried effortlessly to be at his side or better still at his front, the man sensing this had to slow down so that his little boy could have the win and it did go just as he planned because Levi was all merry after the win.

Levi rolled on the earth in an upward position giving his Father his pup endearing look which couldn't be resisted and it led to the left side of his face being licked. He inwardly cringed as the saliva dripped down his cheek and he cleaned that spot till he couldn't feel it on his face again.

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