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Under the shadow
of the moon

On this dark lonely night
All that I can see
is your shadow being

overshadowed by your
guilt of betrayal

Dead wolves and human bodies littered the place,servants and guards, noble and peasant.
The maiden had reached the castle with the guards and she was stunned and at the same time scared at what she saw.

As though being alerted about their presence in the castle they instantly got surrounded by the attackers.

The guards stepped forward and blocked the maiden, they had been ordered to protect her and so they did. The maiden stood behind them,  she may have been a healer but she was still ignorant of how and when she would die.

More of the assassins came for them making them outnumbered and they stood still surrounded by the guards.

"Finish them off" One of the men there who looked to be the leader spoke. He was dressed like the rest of the assassins but there was a slight difference in his outfit, a green clothe was wrapped around his neck.

Two of the men drew out their swords and stalked closer to them. The guards challenged them and they lost. One of the guards was killed immediately and the other drew back to the maiden.
When it felt as though all was coming to an end, Levi came to their rescue. He had a few of his own men with him and they attacked from behind.

Levi's skills were exceptional though he barely ever fought but when he did, it was worth admiring
Levi did a back flip and thrusted a small blade into the leader's neck and the man fell.

Levi glanced at the maiden who was still in shock then to the guard who was with her before signaling to his men to escort them to the King's quarters. He stood still and watched as they all left till he could no longer see even their silhouettes.

Levi turned to leave when something caught his attention, the object shimmered under the moonlight. He went closer to the metallic object and bent down. He reached for the sword tugging it out of the dead assassin's grasp.

He recognized the sword at once and took a sharp intake of breath, his grasp on the sword's hilt suddenly got tighter and his blood boiled.
He remembered the sword from the day at the training grounds. He got up immediately and walked in the opposite direction of the King's quarters.


The wind blew heavily and a storm brewed in the sky. Cyane walked in the middle of the men. They were taking her to where she would be most safe. She was scared but wouldn't let it show. Her short hair flipped in the cold air, she could hear nothing except their footsteps.

She felt cold, goosebumps filled her arms and she folded them rubbing it in the process to keep herself warm even if it was only a little.

Reuel noticed her predicament and took off his cloak and gave her to put it over her.

"Thank you" she muttered.
She clutched the cloak closer to her body, it was not that much but she was willing to manage.
Half bread was better than none.

She was exhausted, her ankles were hurting from the running that they had been doing. She felt quite sleepy and wished that she was on her bed. It would be a much better option than walking in the cold.
A little sleep wouldn't hurt.

Sounds came from behind them and before they knew it they were suddenly in the middle of another attack.
Cyane shivered, terror seeped into her bones. She was caught in the middle of yet another clash.

Carac came and stood beside her, "Miss"

It took enough strength for her to hold herself and not pass out. She doubted if she even had any left.
A fight broke out between the two parties and Carac took her to the edge of a wall. She could barely comprehend anything anymore.

Reuel came to her and held onto her hand, "We have to go" They began retreating from the clash, "Let's go"
Reuel could see that Carac and the rest of his men would stall the attackers a bit so he took Cyane and they left in the opposite direction.
He needed to get her to safety, he felt sorry for her, she was caught up in the middle of something that she hadn't bargained for.

"We would have to shift into our wolves soon" He said as they ran.

"I can't" she slowed down her pace drawing his hand back in the process, "I can't shift" She shook her head

"What?" Reuel was shocked

"I haven't shifted yet"

Reuel face palmed himself in disbelief, "Ok, but I still have to get you to safety"
He had barely finished speaking when they came face to face with four assassins. Cyane's breath hitched, this was definitely her unlucky day.

They were cornered and Reuel had no choice but to tell Cyane to run into one of the halls which she did.
She could hear the sounds of metals against each other and she silently prayed for Reuel's safety.

Cyane was terrified. While in the hall, she felt as though everything there was alive. It was as though they objects were staring straight into her soul. She looked around utterly petrified before moving to a corner.

The cloak she had been wearing had fallen off her during the run and she was yet to notice with all the events that had occurred. Even the cold was gone too.

The clash of swords outside suddenly stopped and Cyane held her hand to her mouth muffling a scream.
She had no idea if Reuel was alright and the thought of him being hurt scared her.

Footsteps began approaching the hall and Cyane got up immediately. Her eyes darted round the place in fear.
The footsteps were now everywhere around her.
She began moving backwards until her back hit a hard surface and she rested on it putting all her weight on the surface.

The wall behind her suddenly moved and in response to the stimulus, she turned around immediately. There in front of her stood not a wall but a man dressed in an attire as black as midnight.
She watched him in fear that she couldn't notice the other person behind her and before she could comprehend anything, she was hit with the sword's hilt at the back of her head and she passed out immediately.

So far so good, were you able to predict any event? 🤔

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