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I can't exactly describe
how I feel
but it's not quite right
and it leaves me cold

- F. Scott Fitzergald

Reuel lighted the third candle before setting it on top of the lampstand. He blew the match out then ran his fingers on top of the flickering flame.
"I would be announcing our  engagement when all this is over"
He turned to Allie who lay on the bed, with no clothes on using the bedsheet to cover her nudity. Her hair was rough spilling secrets of the rounds of  intimacy which had only just been concluded few minutes ago.

Reuel was clad in a wrapper tied around his waist, his torso shimmered against the candle lights. He gave Allie a smile before stalking closer to the bed and she opened her arms to receive him. He rested against her bosom.

"When the attacks stop, I plan on making it official" He raised his head to peer into hers, "Any second thoughts?"

"None" She grinned. She had been waiting for this moment ever since they came together two years ago.

"Allie" He called her name softly, "It would be just us from now on, I can't share you anymore" He hinted on her attraction to women and she laughed it off.

"Yes, it would be just us" and she meant it.

"Will you marry me?"

"Yes" She said amidst happiness and  their lips met as one spiking up once again an intimate moment between hovered around them. He broke the kiss and focused on her neck as he lavished them with his kisses. He trailed it downwards to the top of her bosom then back to her neck. The intimacy had barely incited before they got disrupted by a knock

"My Lord, we are under an attack" The guard spoke from behind the door.

They both stilled then Reuel jerked up from the bed and began wearing his clothes, "My men would keep you safe here" His lips met hers in what he hoped wouldn't be their last, "I would come back to you"

Allie was petrified for Reuel's safety, she held the side of his face in her palm, "Promise?"

He placed his hand above her palm and kissed it, "I promise" then he bolted right out of the door.


Carac was panting heavily, his sword was drawn out and it already had crimson fluid on it. The attack was sudden, no one had expected it. One minute the castle was calm the next minute there was a sudden appearance of men in black dresses.

Carac had sustained an injury on his arm but he still wouldn't stop running. He had fought off the attackers on the way getting hurt in the process.
He ran straight to the King's chambers. He needed to get Cyane out of there.

He was already close to the King's quarters when he suddenly got blocked by one of the assassins. The man just like the rest of his men was dressed like midnight with masks covering his face. He tried fighting the man off but it wasn't as easy as he thought due to the weapon the man had, it was called the morning star. He swung it at Carac which Carac missed the first two times but couldn't at the third one.

Carac got knocked down so many times but still managed to get up on each one. He attacked the man again aiming for behind the knee.
If he couldn't attack him straight on then he might just have to bring him down.

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