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My heart is a wolf ruled by two moons;
One which beckons me back into the night, and the other is calling me home.

- Maza-Dohta

Watching the man who had put her friend through a lot of pain only agitated her, she was pissed with him.

What did he want?

Why was he here?

She couldn't help the thoughts that sprouted in her mind like a budding

"Cyane, please I need to speak with you"

She shook her head unable to form words from her mouth. Silence was the best answer, it was what she could give him. She could see that he was hurt from her action

"I know" he took four steps closer, "That what I have done is something unforgivable but I need to talk with her. Please let me talk with Malina"

"Keep her name out of your mouth"
Cyane sneered.

She walked away leaving him standing alone. She didn't turn to see his reaction probably because she didn't care if he had gotten hurt by her walking away from him.

How could he be hurt when he had a wife to go home to?

She opted to leave the place she was for the meantime. She was hurt from what her colleagues had done and also she wanted to avoid Caine.
If he had come from the village because of the tournament then he should stick to why he came.

She didn't want to go home either, it would only rouse questions from her aunt. She began deliberating if she should tell Malina about Caine's arrival. She couldn't tell if Malina would be happy or not, all depended on when she would tell her.

She sat under a shed while being conscious of her surroundings. She covered her face with both hands putting more pressure on her temple. The need to clear her head only throbbed within. She remained in that position for a while until the sound of children startled her from her slight slumber. She watched the children play like they had no worries to face, as carefree as anything. Their giggles and laughter were a melody to her ears. She needed that, she needed such moment. It was as though it was just her and them, no one else.


Cyane closed her eyes, Malina was the last person that she had expected to see there not when she should be occupied with their tavern.

"Why are you here, did something happen again with your co- workers?"
Malina knew everything that went on with her since they had been friends right from when they were young.

"Caine's here"

Malina was shocked, her eyes widened at the information and she couldn't help the light flutter that her heart did, maybe it was because of the fact that part of her would always feel something for Caine even after what he had put her through.

Cyane opened her eyes to see Malina's hands resting on her stomach. Malina's face remained numb, the reaction that she had been looking forward to had finally made its appearance.

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