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Give me the rejected.
Give me the twisted.
Give me all the weird ones.
Let's pour a glass of psychopath, and drink to the newfound love we never had.

- Erin Van Buren

The wine poured slowly into the cup, the sound of liquid touching the finely decorated ware made by the finest potter in the capital filled the room.

Ixar had them all; potters, vintners, fishermen and merchants to mention but a few and they all served their purpose in the benefit of the capital.

Cyane watched as the wine made its way up until it was almost half of the goblet in front of her. She swallowed lightly and as she reached for the cup, her eyes met Allie's, the young woman who had done the honor of pouring the wine into her goblet, "Thank you" she muttered.

"You are welcome" Allie offered her a smile and so did Adeline.

"So, Reuel told me that you are a monk"

The girls were stunned at what she had said. Ysmay held a hand to her lips, the recent reveal had caught her off guard.

"What? Tell us more about it" Ysmay inquired, her curiosity was waiting to be satiated, to be rid of its hunger.

"I grew up with them"

"You did?" Sybyyl had a look of astonishment too, she had never heard of a woman been sired by monks, "How did you come to be with them?"

"My uncle, he raised me"

"He must be a wonderful man then" Adeline chimed in immediately. She wanted to end the conversation, she knew that the longer that Cyane talked about the issue, the more uncomfortable that she would get, "This is a very lovely meal Allie, your servants out did themselves" she praised Allie's cooks which was totally unlike her.

"Of course they did Adeline, these were made with the finest ingredients in the whole of the province" Ysmay cut the beef on her plate with a little knife before proceeding with a fork to put it in her mouth, "That is after all what the upper class like us eat all the time, is it not Sybyyl?"

Sybyyl giggled, "Of course, we don't expect the low lives to know how such a thing tastes"

Cyane stilled, she knew that they were referring to her. But were they wrong?
She had never in her life made for the rich until she entered the palace neither had she ever drunk wine from a golden goblet. She had accepted her place a long time ago and couldn't be shamed for being one.
Once Sybyyl had made the nasty remark, she knowingly locked gazes with Cyane and smirked, she could see from Cyane's features that she had struck a nerve.

Cyane smiled and began eating, Sybyyl frowned when she saw that Cyane had waved the comment off, her motive might have been to make Cyane feel bad but she didn't expect her to get over it so soon.

"What do you think Cyane?" Sybyyl pressed on.

Cyane furrowed her eyebrows, "About what?"

"About the fact that the lower class do not get to share meals with us"

"I think it is quite a silly phenomenon to think that the lower class don't share food with the upper class when in all ramifications they are the ones who make the food, a bite or two would go to their mouths, a bread or two to their pockets. They could save some for their family at home or better still to fill up their own stomachs" she took a spoonful of the food and moved her mouth quietly then swallowed and reached for her goblet, "But if what you mean is sitting in front of you to eat this meal then do be rest assured that the society we live in had made sure that they don't do that. But also know that they do eat what you eat but if they want to. After all the heavens blessed us with these ingredients, they didn't say, this one is meant for the rich and therefore would be found only where they live nor did they say that this other one is meant for those who can't even one square meal in a day"

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