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Don't tell me that I'll be fine


I made some changes, the postulant is now called "East house"

PS: Rane and Cyane are staying in the monastery but in a different section away from the main building

A slash was heard which caused them to still.

Adrenaline surged through them triggering perspiration on their foreheads and underarms as they fidgeted in each other's hold.

Rane opened her eyes to see a wolf lying in front of them with its stomach ripped.

She looked up to see the killer and she felt relieved as it was none other than Charle

"Charle" A tear slipped past her eye as her lips trembled.

She saw a flicker of emotion in his eye before it was replaced with Fury. Fear

The second wolf attacked and bit Charle on his hand, he gritted his teeth and pushed it off him.
He glanced at his injured hand as a fresh wound graced it.

He knew it was deserved for he had gotten distracted.

He growled as the wolf rushed him again but this time it was aiming for his neck. He jumped and flipped in the air causing the wolf to miss him by running under.

He rushed to the wolf running his sword through it and it fell. His eyes snapped to the females who were still in each other's hold, "We have to go, more would be coming"

They didn't have time to say anything as he helped them up and they began running but this time he carried Cyane. They had barely made it far when they heard sounds behind them with the snap of twigs.  The wolves were hot on their trail.

"Faster!" he yelled

Rane increased her pace, her mind was filled with only one goal and it was getting out of that place alive.

They jumped through rocks and avoided large roots that could cause them to trip and fall.

From where they were, they could see Antonio seated on a rock and playing with a stone. That was a habit that he didn't outgrow. He was oblivious to what was happening even the fact that wolves were coming after them.

Charle stopped and Rane noticed and did too.

"Why are you stopping?" She spoke in between heavy pants

"Take her and go" he brought Cyane down from his shoulder and Rane took her hand in a firm grip, "I will hold them off"

She nodded

"I will come back for you"

"The last time you said that it took you so long.."

"I know" he interrupted her, "I promise it won't be long this time, now go" he yelled at the go part.

She didn't waste any more time as she continued with the run and he stood there watching her. He could hear the wolves getting closer to him.
Every breath, every grunt and suddenly they stopped.

He could no longer hear anything even the forest beasts had gone quiet and the temperature had fallen two degrees lower. It was as though death was knocking at his door and daring him to answer.

He shut his eyes and drew in breath then turned around only to be met with five wolves and a human, they stood fifteen steps away from him.

The wolves snarled and crouched low ready to jump at him at any second while the human smirked as he stood in nothing but his birth suit.

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