359 22 14

There is always light.
Only if we are brave
enough to see it.

There is always light.
Only if we are brave
enough to be it

Rane was anxious.
Her husband had been missing for a day. Charle never hid anything from her not even his whereabouts which made her feel worried this time. She hadn't eaten nor slept a wink since he disappeared.

She needed to wait for a full day before reporting to the authorities. She stayed up all night to watch the sun rise, her eyes never left the gloomy skies until streaks of early morning light broke through. She left before her son early before her son could wake up.

he needed to be one of the if not the first to lay a complaint to the authorities.

"My husband is missing"

The man she met there eyed her up, a look of disgust etched on his face but he still had to do his job, "Since when?"

Rane was uncomfortable with the look the man had given her but searching for her husband was enough to distract her,"Two nights ago" she answered him.

The man told her to leave that the authorities have been made aware of her situation and they would be looking into it. They had even asked her to return the next day although she pleaded to come back later in the evening but they refused threatening to not work on the case again if she didn't do as they wanted.

She was angry but she kept it to herself and as she walked away from the place she heard the man give out a curse word to her.
She held back her anger and clenched her fists. Fate had done her wrong. If only she was of a high class then she would be taken much seriously.


News had gotten to Leondre about the antidote having been intercepted and the death of his men. He was pissed and had almost snapped.

"My lord you have to calm down" The royal advisor pleaded with him.

Leondre began taking deep breaths, his shoulders shook and he was close to shifting into his wild.

"My Lord, please you need to calm down"

Leondre clenched his teeth trying to suppress his anger as his eyes had now turned a different color. Golden. He kept taking deep breaths until his anger fully subsided and he became calm, "Fraden, it's time for that stuff we talked about"

"Yes my Lord"

They rode out on horses. Leondre had taken two of his men with him to his said destination, the temple.
The temple was were the maidens worshipped, a similar coven of his mother's.
He had sent a message to them few days ago through the royal advisor requesting for their presence in the castle but they had turned down the request. He hadn't wanted to deal with them since they were independent and not under the royals and had focused more on the antidote coming from the monastery.

The maidens were a respected order and as such Kings held them in high regard. They were always treated with respect.
They got to the temple around mid afternoon, the scorching sun wasn't a bother to them since his Father's life was at stake.

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