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"If light is in your heart, you will find your way home


The moon shone brightly in the sky, flapping its radiance across the trees and vast land. It was the ninth hour and the town bell had just gone off indicating the time.

Algon stood on the balcony over looking the houses in the capital and the trees beyond the residence. Some homes still had their lamps on and made little to no noise while some were pitch dark. The wind blew softly and bringing enough chills to create goosepumps, it was a cold night.

His mind was greatly disturbed, he rubbed his hand over his chin then his hair and back to his chin, indicating desperate actions.

Footsteps drew closer to him and stopped two meters away, head bowed regarding the man who stood on the balcony hand clasped on his chin, "My Lord"

Algon stole a side glance to the warrior in his armor and sword on his hip, the castle's crest on his left breast. He looked away, "What's going on now?"

The man raised his head slowly and gazed at the Lord of the castle, the moon's radiance showed a part of him and the other part was still obscured by the darkness but he could make out the faint scar on his left eyebrow and the twitching of his lips.

"Lady Anya has welcomed a child"

He nodded once then twice and looked away, his gaze fixed on the sky, nothing but darkness, no stars, just pitch blackness and he exhaled, air exiting his lips triggered by the cold weather.

"Looks like a storm is coming"

"Yes my Lord, a storm is coming"

"We have been blessed, haven't we?" He didn't wait for a reply and continued,"in a decade since I took the seat from my Father, we have had incessant abundance, rapid food growth and no war" he emphasized on the last word.

Gaze still on the floor the guard replied courteously ignoring the fact that the Master didn't regard the news of the birth of his child and in that space of time he briefly wondered what kind of a man didn't like the news of the birth of not just any child but his own flesh and blood.

"Yes my Lord we have been blessed beyond any doubts" he smiled lightly, the smile not reaching his eyes.

"What is it?" Algon turned to him, their gazes locked and his guard looked away as a sign of submission.

He had confusion written all over his face,"What my Lord?"

"The child, what is it?"

"It's a girl, my Lord"

Algon clenched his teeth, he peered over the balcony, deathly silence filled with cold wind in the surroundings, his hands braced on the edge and he pressed harder. He turned back to the guard, anger evident in his eyes.

He moved past the guard swiftly and headed for the chambers, his hands clasped at his back, his steps were long strided.

Plethora of scenarios rushed through his head at what he would do to the child, he thought of throwing her through the window but he reconsidered, her body would be seen by the servants and with the aid of their gossip, the whole castle would know and possibly even the neighboring kingdoms and he would be called to answer before the throne.

He thought of throwing her into the river but also reconsidered because her body would be found few days later by the fishermen or the women who came to do their laundry.

He thought of throwing the child in hot oil but cringed, no one not even an unwanted child deserved to go through that gruesome act.

He stood outside the chambers, one hand grasped the circular door knob and the other rested on the door. He breathed in and out and his respiration became quick, like he was having a panic attack, his shoulders shook and he whimpered at the door.

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