Chapter 25 - Rescue Attempt

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[October 13, 2016 - 7.30 pm]

Sameer, Pandit, Munna, Preeti and Naina are searching for pub to find some clue regarding Swati but they could not. As much as they know, brothels and pubs are something that is used only rich men and politicians. Also, in Chennai, they don't know any places to navigate the pub. After some time of constant searching, they decided to part into two to search for Swati. Pandit and Sameer go in a separate way while Munna, Preeti and Naina goes in a separate way. Even though police gave convictions regarding the rescue of Swati, the actions taken by them didn't satisfy the friends which they find ineffective.

Preeti - "Naina, I really don't think, we could locate the brothel soon. This place is too dense and big to search. We need to seek help from some local people."

Naina too feels the same. Munna's phone beeps. Its an unknown number and he predicts it to be Swati and attends the call. Naina and Preeti are near him. 

Munna - "Hello, Swati..."

Swati - "Munna... Please save me, Munna.. My mom..."

Munna - "Don't worry, your mom is safe with us.  We are in Chennai. Don't get nervous. First say, where are you?"

Swati - "I don't know where I am. But it is a pub. I think it is 15 kms from the place where my mom and I fought with the guy. They seem to export me to a foreign land as a prostitute. Please save me, Munna."

Munna - "Okay, Swati... We would come there soon. Until then, hide somewhere..."

The call gets cut. On the other side, Swati is looking at her power and it got cut due to tower issues. Nearby, a man was lying unconscious. 

[Flashback: Swati and her other fellow ladies wore the appropriate dress for bar dancers and comes out. Swati lets the ladies go in front. She saw a bartender speaking to someone in phone and secretively she takes a takes a stick and beat him thus he is blacked out. He drags him to a store room like one and hides him and it is the place where she contacted Munna.]


Naina calls Sameer and Munna to come to the place where Swati mentioned. They successfully reached the bar which  Swati hinted. (They got address from Priyanka) 

Sameer - "Guys, these places are extremely dangerous. We cannot enter normally through entrance. Many politicians visit the brothel regularly. So, we should enter the place bit more consciously."

Preeti - "But we should rescue Swati. Then what shall we do?"

Pandit - "We cannot enter in this attire as they find us easily we are middle class people."

Munna - "These places usually start working by now. I think some more people would enter. Probably, they would dance for some hours. Then, they start their illegal activities like prostitution and others. So, girls can enter directly but in disguise. Then, you can go and see if there is some other way to come inside. Then, we can enter."

Naina - "Disguise means... wearing dancer dresses right? But where can we get that?"

Preeti - "Let us cover our face with dupatta. We can reason that we are new entry if they ask."

Naina and Preeti covered their face with a shawl and at the same time, gulped their fear in the throat. Their leg shakes. Sameer holds Naina's hands and says, "We need to save Swati. Focus on Swati not on fear of being caught."

Pandit and Munna hide themselves in the garden area of the building (pub) and tries to find if there is a way. 

Naina and Preeti enters inside and no one cared their entry which give them a relief. They get into all rooms for searching Swati but they could not find Swati. To their suprise, they find Swati's dresses in the room and confirms that Swati was brought up here. They find a wardrobe and changed their attires into a dancer's one. They hide their dresses in the same room.

Walking Together Through the Memory Lane - Samaina FFWhere stories live. Discover now