Chapter 14 - Carnival Wala Memories...

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Past Conversation – Normal Font]

Swati: Yeah, Naina. I could remember him in the Science Exhibition who would be staring at you and asking you to explain the experiment several times.

Munna: Even Pandit and I were present at the exhibition.

Preeti: So, both have exchanged your facebook IDs and chatted without anyone's knowledge.

Swati: Is that the reason Naina had opened Facebook before our class boys opened?

Pandit: And Naina got scoldings from Vishaka aunty fifteen days ago.

Sonakshi: Then, they decide to part ways.

Naina: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah... How many times should I explain?

Swati and Preeti goes near her and pull her ears.

Swati – "Why haven't you informed about Sameer? See you are more updated than us."

Preeti – "Even you didn't share the exact reason for breakdown to me."

Sameer – "Ok, leave it guys. Let us enjoy the carnival. Let us celebrate this union."

Swati and Preeti agreed.

Sameer and Naina go to the cotton candy shop.

Naina: Sameer, this cotton candy from this shop of this carnival, has a special charm. The whole candy is pink in colour, that denotes love and sensibility. We believe that whenever we candy at this shop, it would soften your feeling and gives a special warmth to your heart. The candy's strands is as thin as a hair. So, many people would say that it is made from hair (Bun) of old grannies. But that's false. So, let us start our enjoyment by eating a candy.

Naina participated in the bubble shooter game to win a candy and she wins it.

Naina takes the candy and gives it to Sameer.

Sameer: What about you? Shall we share the candy?

Naina: Eating cotton candy is always my cup of tea. Whenever I can eat that even in next day. But not you. Just consider this as a treat from my part.

Sameer: Okay, thanks for the treat (smiles)

Naina: Your welcome, sameer.

Sameer eats the upper part and give it to Naina.

Sameer: Sharing is themost prominent part of friendship.How can reward be enjoyed without our friend!

Naina is surprised and she couldn't refuse what he said. She ate the lower part of the candy.

Pandit and Preeti: Enough of your romance. I have something important to say.

Sameer is shocked to hear the word romance from the mouth of Preeti and Pandit. Naina takes the easy. Preeti sighs Sameer, "I know everything from Pandit. Even Swati knows. All the best." Sameer is shocked but happy that Preeti didn't create any problems. Preeti winks and Sameer blushes.

Sonakshi: Guys, as Pandit, Swati, Preeti and Munna wished we shall enact a drama today night. Happy?

Sameer: Thats great, di. What script?

Munna and Pandit: First of all let us register ourselves to the drama. Then we shall enact decide the script.

Naina: Okay, its already 7PM. When shall we go to house? Do Taiji and Chachiji not worry for us?

Sonakshi: Don't worry. The skit time is just 3 minutes also I informed Anand Uncle too. He would come at 10PM to pick us. So, just enjoys.

Preeti, Naina and Swati hugged Sonakshi. They have registered to the commitee.

Walking Together Through the Memory Lane - Samaina FFWhere stories live. Discover now