Chapter 32 - Walking Together through the Memory Lane

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Sonakshi and Dev married two and half years back with the consent of the family...

Arjun and Shefali got married two years back...

Prakash married his ladylove Ananya after three months of ShefJun's marriage...

Preeti and Pandit married one year back...

After three months of Preedit's marriage, Swati and Munna got married...

Five months back, Sameer and Naina got married...

Preeti, Pandit, Munna, Swati, Sameer and Naina are present in the house.

Preeti: Wow, the book is completed. When are we going to publish?

Naina: May be within two months or so... It is our 5th book individually and the 1st book, we write together as a couple.

Sameer: Definitely it is a memory..

Preeti: Only when we dig much into the past, we understood that we learnt many things. Just see, we had so many nostalgic memories in the past. I doubt whether others could have it.

Pandit: Everyone has their own nostalgic memories. It is just the way we look into it.

Swati: From our whole group, Manoj and I fall in love with each other first.

Munna: We even hid the fact from our friends for an year. Then, we told you all at Carnival.

Swati and Munna shares an hi-fi.

Sameer: We found that already, but we confronted you regarding this later and you blurted the truth.

Naina: If you think like that, what about Preeti and Pandit?

Preeti and Pandit blush.

Munna laughs: Yeah, it is true. After all, we found Preeti in a box. Then, Pandit is correcting Preeti's sprain, romeo dialogues.... It was the first time when we saw Pandit's romantic side... All these days, we were seeing Pandit and Preeti's comic side.

Pandit and Preeti shies away.

Sameer: Have you taken any penance to blush for the next thousand years, my dear Pandit and Preeti?

Pandit and Preeti make faces.

Preeti: What about Sameer and Naina? Sameer would flirt with Naina in the lamest way by asking her comb, shampoo etc.. While our Naina keeps laughing at this.

Pandit: We are better, Sameer. We proposed as soon as we realized our love. But you were...

Naina: We were strengthening our love before proposing each other.

Sameer: Wow, Naina, Wow...

Others exclaimed at them. Everyone laughed.

Pandit: We were immature that time and we did some mistakes out of anger or aggression. Some didn't make mistakes, but they learnt from others mistakes. These mistakes made us more and more sensitive and open.

Naina: I could remember how I did a fake my relationship with Prateek and how Sameer faked his relationship with Priyal and Palak. How funny and immature! We thought that getting into love is a like eating a candy.

Sameer: I was so possessive towards Naina. We played account exchange games to spy Naina. I used to not trust her. At the end of the day, she'd get frustrated and blast at me. Even I grew egoistic because of that.

Walking Together Through the Memory Lane - Samaina FFOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz