Chapter 18 - Naina gets a ray of hope

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Recap: Naina see Sameer's messages and decides to reply him but Bela caught her that leads to account deletion.

[April 2016 - The day when Shefali asked Naina to open her FB and when she is caught by Bela and Beena]

Naina gets severe slaps from Taiji and Chachi is frowning at her. Preeti tried to save Naina from getting slaps still she couldn't. They both leaves. Naina was crying. Preeti hugs her to reduce the tension but Naina breaks the hug and her cries didn't stop. More than the pain she endured because of Taiji and Chachiji, she was sad that she could not even a single word for more than thousand messages. Her account was deleted. She is afraid how Sameer would react after seeing this. What if he delete his account then. After losing his number, if that happens, that must be Naina's worst nightmare. She would lose all the sources of contacting him. Preeti tries to make Naina normal but none of her words enters into her ears.

After few hours,

Beena takes food plate and comes to Naina. Naina's face was wet out of tears. Beena asks her to wash her face. Naina goes to wash her face silently as she fears she would get slapped again if she refused. She makes her eat the food. Naina too eat the food with reluctance.

Beena - "Naina, I could understand that this is common in your age and falling in love everything.... I don't know about this modern culture and etc... But I am sure, if a relationship fails, it is assumed that the fault is on girl's side even if it is not really on her side. The society would blame her only for the fault. Your father and your uncles are working hard only for making you and your cousins stand in their own leg which is not at all possible on our ages. Please focus on your studies and prioritize it not those temporary feelings. First sight and love is just possible in cinemas not in reality. I know I was harsh with you but that doesn't mean that I hate you. I just want not to suffer because of these silly factors. This is what I could say, rest is upon you."

Naina was expressionless wheras Beena leaves. Bela then comes inside her room,

Bela - "Who is he, Naina?"

Naina didn't reply.

Bela - "No one is here. You tell me who is he? Are you really loving him? Can't you believe your chachi and couldn't you share anything to me?"

Bela looks at Naina emotionally that makes Naina to hug her tight. She cries again. She never expected such a question from chachi - "Can't you believe your chachi?" Naina shares almost everything with her Chachi except about Sameer. Whether Bela appreciate or criticize, Naina would tell everything to her. Now she is feeling guilty that she was questioned by her as such.

Naina breaks her hug - "Nothing like that, chachi... He was just my friend. I like him. Thats it."

Naina don't have any answer as she herself don't know why she didn't share.

Bela - "Are you loving him?"

Naina denies by nodding her head right to left.

Bela - "Concentrate on your studies, Naina. Don't waste your time. If Rakesh Bhai knows this, he would stop everything and get you married."

Naina - "No chachi... I won't speak to him hereafter, but please don't tell this to father. Please... I couldn't imagine what happen if papa knows..."

Bela - "Okay, we won't say to him. But you should concentrate on your studies."

Bela leaves that makes Naina dull about Sameer.

Meanwhile at Sameer's house, Sameer checked his account and looks she has seen the messages he had sent but wonders why she hadn't replied him. He opened her account and shocked to see 'USER NOT FOUND'. His face becomes gloomy. He realized that she has deleted 'Sameer's Naina' account. Sameer looks at Naina's photo in his purse which he got from one of her FB pics.

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