Chapter 11 - Let your disturbing thoughts out

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[Past Conversation – Normal Font]

Sameer and Naina cut the call. Naina closed her door and she breaks down to miss her best friend. She tightly covers her mouth so that no one could hear her cries. On the other side, Sameer becomes null and he didn't express anything. He walked with Pandit like a robot and he reached his house. Vishaka and Vivek hoped that he becomes normal. He switch on the radio. He go to bathroom. He opens the tap and shower. He kneels down and the tears rolled out from his eyes like a fountain. He cries loud. He couldn't bear that he lost so soon. He got her number, continued their friendship for almost a year but when it was flourishing well, the whole friendship of love is snapped. Sameer don't know how he would live his life without her. He have seen some movies where the hero becomes devadas if his heroine is lost. But he knew that Naina never wished to see him in that condition. Still her words are in his mind, "I would feel very proud of what you are going to be. I would enjoy seeing you as a CE. More than you, I would be happy if you get success." Naina also erased those filmy thoughts from his mind. Sameer cries for some hours and he come out with a determination of becoming a CE to make his Naina proud. He thought of building his career and status.

After five days,

Everything becomes normal in Sameer's house. He goes to his college with enthusiasm. Vishaka and Vivek felt a little guilt of behaving rude but they are happy that Sameer is not depressed.

Agarwal's House,


Its been ten days since Sonakshi came to Naina's house. Sonakshi does MBBS 2nd year in the medical college of Gujarat. Sonakshi is a talkative, sensitive and studious girl of nineteen who is thin and pale got admission in the best college of Gujarat in merit. Anand always proud to say Sonakshi is his daughter. No one knows how Anand knows Sonakshi, but everyone adore her because of her charm and all except Preeti and Naina consider her as their own blood. Preeti and Naina are quite jealous of her because they think that the family consider her more important than them and only she was the centre of attention. Whenever Sonakshi tries to interact with them, they both avoid her weirdly. Sonakshi too understand their immaturity but she decides to be a friend with them also.

Sonakshi: Naina, can you please come here? I have something to talk to you.

Naina reluctantly comes to Sonakshi. She takes her to the terrace of the colony. They both sit on Charpai.

Sonakshi: Naina, why are you depressed?

Naina was amazed by her question. She remembered Preeti too asked her the same question two days ago, but she managed to put up some stories and escaped. She thought of saying the same stories. But she doubts, "How could she come to know? Is it neccessary to answer her?"

Naina: My mid-term marks are low, di. (silently)

Sonakshi: Naina, I know you were depressed but not because of marks or teachers' scoldings. I know you're a rank holder but you are carefree and easily forget those things. So, there is someother reason that made you depressed... So, tell me the truth.

Naina is shocked to hear what she said. "How could she know more about me?" – she doubts.

Naina: Why should I tell you? (with a low tone and anger)

Sonakshi: Naina, come on. I am like your sister.... Ok, leave it. Consider me as your friend. Keeping something inside your mind and crying is not a solution. I know you cried five days ago too. You closed the door but the window near the door was slightly opened. Burying your feeling in your heart will make you even more depressing. Open to your dear ones, at least you would feel better after doing that.

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