Chapter 27 - Proposed

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Recap: Preeti and Kavita had a conversation regarding the diabetes treatment. Sonakshi's birth truth comes out.

[Flashback - Normal Font

Present - Bold + Italicized]

Sameer: - "Naina, its been almost two months since we write something in our book. Let us sit to write something at least now, Naina..."

Naina rubbed her eyes as she woke up just now from the bed.

Naina - "Sameer.... Please.... let us write tomorrow."

Preeti suddenly opened the door and scared Naina.

Naina - "Preeti...."

"Even we are here...," saying this, Sonakshi and Swati entered with Munna,Pandit and Dev.

Sameer - "So, you shouldn't have any reason to procrastinate. Go and freshen up..."

Naina took a shower and entered the hall and sit for writing the story along with the gang.

[October 15, 2016 - 10 am]

Pandit, Kavita, Sameer and Munna leave for the hospital. Pandit is happy to see his mom confident and she is not sobbing. He thanked Preeti for whatever she said to his mom. He is indebted to Preeti. 

They reached the hospital and the doctor conducted few tests.  After the arrival of results, doctor called Pandit. Munna accompanied him inside. After formal greetings,

Pandit - "How is my mom's condition.... Doctor?"

Doctor - "She is in quite a serious stage. But, she can be cured by our treatment. You need not worry about her health."

Pandit - "I literally cannot express how much happiness I felt inside me. I cannot describe it in words as soon as I heard when Doctors could cure her completely."

Sonakshi - "Right, Pandit. That's why in disease diagnosis, second consult is must. Not always all the doctors result would be the same."

Munna and Pandit thanked the doctor and come outside the cabin.

Pandit hugged his mom and cried happily. He said that she would be cured soon. Sameer and Munna hugged them and they have a happy hug.

Preeti - "Then, doctors treated mom (Kavita) on the evening and she is completely fine from the disease."


After 5 days - October 15

Sameer ringed Naina's phone. Naina attends the call.

Naina - "Hello, Sameer..."

Sameer - "Naina... Shall we go for a lunch?"

Naina - "But Sameer, today is Navratri..."


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Walking Together Through the Memory Lane - Samaina FFWhere stories live. Discover now